Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

They are absolutely sexy together and I really hope it happens. I've been writing/reading more YoBling around lately and I've noticed a slight uprising in Yobling fans. I hope that our numbers going up means that we'll finally have the support to push us over the edge to being canon.

I hope. I hope. I hope.
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

They are absolutely sexy together and I really hope it happens. I've been writing/reading more YoBling around lately and I've noticed a slight uprising in Yobling fans. I hope that our numbers going up means that we'll finally have the support to push us over the edge to being canon.

I hope. I hope. I hope.

Thats always a good sign. The writers have to know of the mass amounts of us there are. Also like I have said before with all the YOBLING moments over the years it better well happen soon. Like here we have proof from season one. 'Crate and Burial', the third episode in to the series.

can't deny this chemistry
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

You're so right, you can't deny their chemistry! Gawd, how long must we wait for these two to get together? I've watched the promos for the new episode and I think/hope there will be some good C/W interaction. I don't know if this should go inside spoiler tags, but maybe Catherine holding that old photo of Gil and Sara will remind her that she and Warrick belong together. I know my logic is faulty, but anything to help keep my faith for these two going strong is a good thing. ;)

T-minus 3 days!
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

Warrick seems to be the only one on this show, who's steadfastly stood by her "come rain or come shine", as the song goes, he never falters, his stupid mistake of that loser marriage, and Cath's hurtful expressions trying not to comment, too much about it, so they would be so good together:thumbsup:
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

Warrick seems to be the only one on this show, who's steadfastly stood by her "come rain or come shine", as the song goes, he never falters, his stupid mistake of that loser marriage, and Cath's hurtful expressions trying not to comment, too much about it, so they would be so good together:thumbsup:

Fo' realz, yo. :borg:
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

Warrick seems to be the only one on this show, who's steadfastly stood by her "come rain or come shine", as the song goes, he never falters, his stupid mistake of that loser marriage, and Cath's hurtful expressions trying not to comment, too much about it, so they would be so good together:thumbsup:

Fo' realz, yo. :borg:

True that my friend. It will happen I know it will. Just think how worth the wait it will be when it happens. Heres another picture of them form season two.

just try an deny the flow
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

I'm really scared that he's going to die this season. It's starting to keep me up at night, a little. I just... I can't shake the feeling. I really really hope he's okay. :( I don't think I could handle it if he wasn't. I don't think Catherine could either. Poor girl.
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

I'm really scared that he's going to die this season. It's starting to keep me up at night, a little. I just... I can't shake the feeling. I really really hope he's okay. :( I don't think I could handle it if he wasn't. I don't think Catherine could either. Poor girl.

Gasp! :wtf:

NEVERRR! Warrick can't die. He's a fictional television character that will outlive us all. *weeps*

I'm sorry, I'm a little high right now... high on E/C! (I know this is the C/W thread, but holy shit, I just can't contain myself. Something marvelous just happened with my primary Miami 'ship.) :D
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

Hey fans he's not going to die:wtf: a couple of months ago, him and George, were on a TV Guide channel interview, and both stated "they were committed to the show, till the end" and that would be suicide, for CSI, he's too popular, no way Jose:confused: rumors hearsay and gossip will drag one down.. stay high and keep the faith, it's not going to be any of the CSI's, I guarantee:thumbsup:
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

Hey fans he's not going to die:wtf: a couple of months ago, him and George, were on a TV Guide channel interview, and both stated "they were committed to the show, till the end" and that would be suicide, for CSI, he's too popular, no way Jose:confused: rumors hearsay and gossip will drag one down.. stay high and keep the faith, it's not going to be any of the CSI's, I guarantee:thumbsup:

Thats very true, they may put them in trouble now and then but no death. I think it may be a Warrick based season finale though. So hopefully that means YOBLING action. Like I said before after the stuff the did in 'A La Cart' and how he made the big announcement to Cath about his divorce. So yeah keep the faith and it will happen soon.
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

I sure do hope that you're all right. I hope so. I hope so.

I couldn't handle it if they brought an end to my YoBling dreams. I just couldn't handle that at all.

So the other day (yesterday) a friend of mine was pulling this cruel trick on me. While I knew it was a trick, because it's her way, it made me sad.

I realized that if they ever replaced YoBling with some other 'ship (okay with Catnip or Grillows) I'd go all insane on CSI. I'd delete all of my profiles for here,, and every where else. And I'd stop talking to all of my CSI friends and I'd revert back to my pre-CSI lover days when I was 13.

Yeah... that's what I'd do. It wouldn't be pretty.

What do you think you'd all do if they did something as horrible as that?
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

What do you think you'd all do if they did something as horrible as that?

I really don't know what I would do. After watching the show for eight years , I'm so invested in all the characters it would be really hard. If they got rid of Cath or Warrick all my YOBLING dreams would be crushed as well. Marg says she knows when she plans on leaving the show but never said when. So it will have to happen before then, but I hoping she won't leave until like way after season nine or even longer. Even more so if this season is the YOBLING season. Maybe we will get some sweet YOBLING moments tonight in the new episode.:)
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

Hmmm lots of Warrick action in the new episode. But only like a second of them together on screen. Slightly disappointing. But I'm just so glad to see CSI back on and Warrick back to work. Argh still no interaction between them about the trouble he got into. Oh well five more eposides, next week looks to have alot of Cath so thats promising. :thumbsup: