Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex Pioneers

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Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Oh, I just realized your name was "twin." Me too!

Everyone calls me 'twins.' lol

My sister did some stuff on the YB page of the WIKI yesterday. I'm up 2000 contributions. *yeah*

Oh, MsCatherineBrown I'll bet you a million dollars it was the Pink Time Force Ranger. lol She's not the current Pink Ranger anymore, they changed it to the Pink Mystic Ranger when Mystic Force ended in November. :D
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Bet your right twins.Ill check my photo and get back to you.

subterraneantwin I liked your video alot, even if it was a ilegal post. Very cool, and your right the YoBling thread is the coolest thread. :D
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

you can say i am a new yoblinger... just wondering, where did the name YoBling come from?
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

I thiiiink it comes from the "bling bling" scene in Cool Change and the yo because it's, like, Warrick's thing.

...Did I just say like?
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Hey guys, what was the episode last night? Because Cath was talking to Warrick and when he walked away she bit her lip.
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Lol. I wish I remembered to watch that then. lol

Get back to me whenever MsCatherineBrown!
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Sorry twins, I have no idea where the pic went. LOL.

xanessa think I wacthed that ep too. Season seven is the best for YOBLING moments. The real eye sex action takes place in that season, lol. But you all knew that. Now i sound silly. :lol:
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Hello all, I've been a lurker on this site for God knows how long. I'm not sure what all the rules are, but I'm a rule junkie at the only other discussion board I frequent, and I've been there for two years. So, I think I'll be okay, because I'm hella strict over there.

I am a bonified Yobling shipper and I really do wish they would make it canonical. I mean, I have this plan for them to do it and everything.

I've done a lot of reading on this thread and I agree with many of you that it shouldn't be done the same way as GSR was. I aslo agree that GSR is a little... much. That's not the right word. I'm burned out from GSR. I go on to post/read and I can't escape GSR. Everywhere I go, it's in my face. Granted it's sweet and canon, but there's something about reading Grissom and Sara being intimate that feels OOC for me.

Not at all like Yo!Bling, where, no matter what physical contact they have in the story it feels right. Antying with raw emotion feels right for these two. It's like they have this enormous sexual tenison, which partly comes from the fact that Gary and Marg have great chemistry, and partly because the writers intentionally brought it to the forefront from the first of the series.

CatNip was intened to be canonical from episode one, I've seen takes of Catherine and Nick kissing from the pilot, but I have to admit that she's macking on Warrick just as much. Kind of made her look like a hussy to me. But not really.

I'm comfortable with most Sara involved ships especially Snickers and Sandle... though Snickers more. However nothing, nothing at all, seems as perfect as YoBling.

I mean, look at shipper videos on youtube... YoBling has by far the most variety in moments, images, and clips because they belong together.

I digress though, I just wanted to tell you that I aboslutely love this thread and I'm glad that there are other hardcore YoBling shippers out there like me.

So, at the risk of sounding like a fool, what kinds of you all done to mark yourselves as hardcore shippers?

I read every single story on "An Evident Gamble" in one day. I stalk for YoBling stories and verbally attack, in a nice way, their writers begging for more. I've even requested of certain authors permission to expound upon some of their stories. I write yobling fics as well. I tried to write a story where I demolished YoBling in favor of angst driven cat/'rick hatred, but couldn't do it and ended up changing the enitre course of my fanfic... due to a subplot based on their ship.

Anyway... I'm lostladyknight just about everywhere... and thanks for being awesome and having such a perfect thread for me in the works, I'm going to go explore this site a bit more and see if I can't learn my way around. This place is huge.
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Hello lostladyknight!

What happened to An Evident Gamble? There have been no updates since last August.
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Hey lostladyknight.

I've read most Yo!Blings too. I am going to starting a new one on FF sometime. Hopefully by August. There are so many I have finish or at least update before I can start any new ones.
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

First I'd like to say thank you for being so receptive and welcoming to me. This is the first new forum I've been to in a long time where the replies were prompt and people actuallyu made the attempt to have conversation with me. Usually n00bs aren't so welcomed, so thanks.

subterraneantwin said:
Hello lostladyknight!

What happened to An Evident Gamble? There have been no updates since last August.

I've posted two in the last few months, one was on July 2nd. I also know that LosingInTranslation posted one, and her stories are all amazing. But you're right, there isn't enough activity there... it makes me sad.

I try to crank out a new YoBling monthly for but it doesn't always work out. I'm working on one right now that's heavy on the YoBling but it's closet YoBling. Then there's my other multi chapter fic that's really Nick centered but has a bunch of good ships.

Anyway, I do wish that there were more YoBling fics out there, since it's not in the show anymore I have to get my fix somewhere...
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Hey I already got one!

It's called "I'm in love with" it's also contains some snickers love if you are willing to check the mix, and of course Brass and Greg being sarcastic ;)
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

lostladyknight said:
First I'd like to say thank you for being so receptive and welcoming to me. This is the first new forum I've been to in a long time where the replies were prompt and people actuallyu made the attempt to have conversation with me. Usually n00bs aren't so welcomed, so thanks.

subterraneantwin said:
Hello lostladyknight!

What happened to An Evident Gamble? There have been no updates since last August.

I've posted two in the last few months, one was on July 2nd. I also know that LosingInTranslation posted one, and her stories are all amazing. But you're right, there isn't enough activity there... it makes me sad.

I try to crank out a new YoBling monthly for but it doesn't always work out. I'm working on one right now that's heavy on the YoBling but it's closet YoBling. Then there's my other multi chapter fic that's really Nick centered but has a bunch of good ships.

Anyway, I do wish that there were more YoBling fics out there, since it's not in the show anymore I have to get my fix somewhere...

Dang, we really need to get that place up and running again! And I am excited to read your new fic when it is finished. I need to feed my addiction. :cool:
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