Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex Pioneers

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Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

well, while we're at headquarters, may we demand a Griss&Sara kiss/ something untragic for their relationship this season...gotta look out for my ship.
as far as cookies, i'll bring chocolate chip...anyone like sugar or gingerbread?
and i love the gary idea...yum
will you send me a link to your fanfic when you finish it, i'd love to read it

p.s. you may officially welcome a new shipper...Yo!Bling, for sure.
oh, p.p.s. i don't know what handshake you're talking about, but i like the one in parent trap w/ lindsey lohan...but that's a bitgeeky i suppose

CBPE: CSIFSLL! true geeks and shippers, w/out lives!
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Yes! This club rules. And I nominate LLK as well. :)

That picture is awesome, BTW. I totally just saved it to my computer, printed it out, and made a small flag. :lol:

Well, I'm off to cross-country practice... on a Sunday, WTF?
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

That's ucky.

Okay yayy! I'm president!

My first act as president is to nominate two grand advisors. Subterraneantwin and GSRfanatic25 I'd like you two to fill that post. Yayz!

Umm, yes, we can also support GSR when we break into HQ. Of course I don't mind that.

And yayy! A convert! Converts make the world a better place!

Here's a link to my profile at LLK's FanFics but I warn you that they are not all that good.

Symphony of Change- Co-written with Bauerfreak. Yo!Bling coupled with a Sara story. It's pretty good. Chapter 3 should be up by tomorrow.

Elaborate Lives- Yo!Bling, GSR, NickOC, GregOC. It's pretty good. I'm finishing up the final chapter today. Then there will be the Epilogue next week sometime.

I also have a few random CSI oneshots. I personally suggest "Bathtime Ballad" "Frinedly Little Chat" and most of all "It wasn't All Bad." They aren't wonderful (well the last one is my favorite oneshot I've ever done) but they are moderately funny.

I did all of this because you asked for a link to my fanfic. The one I was talking about is Elaborate Lives. It's good towards the end. And the begining is good... but the middle kind of sucks.
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

thank you, i'll check out your stuff! can't wait

yay, i'm an advisor, a dream come true, lol
*hands a fresh baked chocolate chip cookie to lost lady knight*
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

LLK get's a cookie! Woohooo! I don't think you realize how much I'd like a cookie right about now. That sounds good!

I might go bake some... in our clubhouse. Either that or take our doggie sponsor, Elphie, out for a walk. She'd like that. However that does require going out in the sunlight (another mythical thing that I've only heard tell of). Sunlight and cold because apparently it's cold living in the mountains. (I shivered walking to my car this morning.) And it's like... September.

Thanks for reading my stuff. Let me know what you think! (I know some of it sucks. I'm actually reworking Elaborate Lives completely in a few weeks I just put it all in one place. About 195 pages of mediocre CSI fanfiction. Maybe I can make that better. Someday.)

Well... thanks again.
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Dude, we're advisors, grand advisors! I feel so important. I seriously think we should ask a mod about making a new thread dedicated to our awesome club, so others lacking lives may also have a chance to become members.
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

i'll let you know, surely
i do't know how much reading i can do parents are making me leave the computer and do something's very annoying
i can already feel the withdrawal pains!
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Wooohoo! Done! I finished my fic! Just needs to be looked over by the my beta!

I'm so happy!

100,010 words in and I'm done! that's 194 pages! I feel so much better now that it's complete. Well, still need to work on that Epilogue but that won't be TOO hard. I know it's going to be the hardest one yet, but I can handle it.

I'm sad though because no Yo!Bling in the last chapter. I miss it. But there will be plenty in the epilogue so it's okay.

Well... umm... not having a life is good for one thing. A 194 page fanfic. I know it's really not all that much of an accomplishment. But it feels good that I finally made it.

Oh and those videos are awesome!
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

which one is this?
and congrats, all the fanfics i've written were once shots... i dunno if i have the patience or creativity to write one that long! read them, yes, write them...whew
well done
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Thanks. That was Elaborate Lives. Pretty much my least favorite I have up at the moment.

My favorite multi chapter fic I have up at the moment is "Wihout a Word" but it's closely followed by "Symphony of Change."

I'll be updating Without A Word in the next hour.

But Elaborate Lives is... in need of some serious revamping. I'm going to start that project probably end of october and start posting again around December.
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

i got out of the thing tonite, so i'ma be up late reading your fics and some stuff from the GSR thread
yayayayay!! and there's a csi marathon on kind of tonite, and tomorrow... it's a great weekend
thank god for labor day
i'll let you know what i think, prolly in reviews, can't wait!
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Thanks, LLK (if I can call you that). I made those fanvids to save myself from extreme boredom this summer. Well, I guess it's last summer now that school has started. *sigh*

I've read most of your fics, but I think I'll reread them tonight and leave reviews.
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

I can't wait for the reviews! Don't feel like you're not allowed to review after every chapter that makes you scratch your head. You can review as many times as you want (the more the better, it makes me feel good inside)

I'm so excited!

I think I might do a Yobling oneshot after I do that next chapter I need to.

Any ideas for a yobling oneshot?
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Well, I don't have any ideas... but I do have a request. Can it be a bit fluffy? Please? I need fluff right now. LOL, j/k, you can do whatever you please. I know it will be great no matter what.
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