Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex Pioneers

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Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

I can help narrow it down for you. It's at the end of "The Finger" when Catherine's back at the lab safely and Warrick takes her to Lindsey. He'd gone and picked her up from her play and taken her back to the lab and hung out with her and she was sleeping in the waiting room there. Catherine kisses him and tells him "thanks."
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Season 8 is getting so close. *excitement*
I placed a bet today that Yo!Bling would be canon or on the verge of going canon by mid-season. I'm so going to win. That crisp fifty dollar bill will soon be mine. :cool:
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

I'll pretty much die if yobling isn't canon by the end of the season. They keep promising us and then... then not delivering.

It has to happen.
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

It WILL happen, my friend. Don't lose hope, the wait is almost over! :)

So... this thread seems to have been a little dead lately. What can we come up with to keep it alive? We really need some more Yo!Bling love around here.
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

My friend and I decided to expand upon that wildfire fic and make it a full multi chapter fic. It's lost it's wildfire theme... but it's actually really good. Just so you know.

Let's speculate how they're going to do it. Make yobling canon I mean.

I think they're going to have Catherine and or Warrick work a really tough case and need the other for comfort. That comfort is going to turn into sweet lovin. That sweet lovin is going to become what we all know it needs to.

Yep. It's going to happen. Just you wait.
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

I was wondering why it hadn't been posted on FF. net... a multi-chapter fic will be sooo awesome. I'm looking forward to reading it.

:lol: I like the sound of that... sweet lovin' is perfect.

I don't really care that much about how it happens, just that it does happen. ;)

I really like your theory, and it is plausible, too. Gah! I am so pumped for this season!
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

I have it written down on my calendar. On my world of warcraft calendar in the kitchen. Lol. I'm the biggest geek on the planet.

Anyway... the first revised chapter of the new fic is up. It's called "Symphony of Change" now.

We've got the second chapter finished, but it's Sara focused. The third chapter is partially done. We just need to wrap it up. I think it's turning out alright.

Elaboate Lives was updated the other day, too. But I don't like that story anymore.

Yeah... it has to happen in season eight. It has to.

So I just checked and this year my birthday is on a monday. That's ucky cuz I won't get a new CSI on my birthday. That's lame.
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Yes! I am going to read it as soon as I finish my homework.

:lol: Well, maybe you can just extend your birthday celebration until Thursday. You can have a CSI PAR-TAY! What month is your birthday?

:D TODAY WAS SUCH A GREAT DAY!!! I'm so happy right now.
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Oh, my birthday isn't till December, but it's a big one, 21. I was going to forego the traditonal festivities of one's 21st though for CSI. That's why I checked, because I watned to tell everyone I'd be staying in that night if that were the case.

I'm excited for you reading it. I think you're going to be pleased.

I've missed you around these parts... with your being gone so long and all.
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

:eek: Okay, first of all - Symphony of Change RULES. Seriously. Thank you so much for writing it with your friend. You guys are awesome! I'm really looking forward to the next update. :)

"Really? And just how often do you think about me?"

"Maybe a little more often than I should."

-CBS needs to hire you, I'm convinced.

You have missed me around these parts? I'm here almost every day, but thanks! ;)

I was asked to Homecoming today and I read the beginning of an awesome CSI/Yo!Bling fic. I'd say today was a pretty damn good day.
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Did you leave a review on the site? I love reviews on the site. I'll have to tell Hanna how much you liked it... she'll be thrilled.

Umm... you never post in this thread. I need someone to talk yobling with me. It's this dire need like blood sugar and air.

Umm... thanks. We do need to write for CBS, I agree. But mostly because I want to make them do what I want. I think they should sponsor a contest and let someone, with thier help and guidance of course, write an episode. Maybe not too intense... or too plotty but I've got a great idea for a case.... I think they'd love it too.

I hope Warrick and Catherine have that conversaiton on the show someday. I really really do.

Oh... and thank you very much for those kind words. They made me smile.
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

I actually tried to leave a review, but I guess I can't because I don't have an account.

I usually only post on this thread and the Eric/Calleigh thread. I don't really have much to say elsewhere. LOL, it's all about my 'ships.

T-minus 29 days until the premiere.
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

if you try back a little later today you should be able to leave a review. I'll enable anynomous reviews when I get a moment to sit down and change my settings.

Sorry to be a review grub... but I can't help it.

Thanks again for reading it.
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

subterraneantwin said:
I actually tried to leave a review, but I guess I can't because I don't have an account.

I usually only post on this thread and the Eric/Calleigh thread. I don't really have much to say elsewhere. LOL, it's all about my 'ships.

T-minus 29 days until the premiere.

Just saw a preview for the premiere. Its like the sixth time Ive seen it, but a squeel like a girl everytime. So excited cant evern deal. Must see Yobling as soon as possible.
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

lostladyknight said:
if you try back a little later today you should be able to leave a review. I'll enable anynomous reviews when I get a moment to sit down and change my settings.

Sorry to be a review grub... but I can't help it.

Thanks again for reading it.

I submitted a review, but for some reason it hasn't appeared yet. BTW, nice update!

MsCatherineBrown, I know exactly what you mean. Every single time I see anything on TV pertaining to CSI, I go nuts. Even though I've seen the promos like ten times each.
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