Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex Pioneers

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Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Leapin Lizards.

One of the few S7 epis I've seen.

Thanks for reading my fic... I'm working on the last 3 chapters like, now, if you're interested. But that's the fic I'm going to rip and rework. About Christmas time I expect to start uploading it onto again, hopefully better. I want to change some things. Like Izzy's age, more Grissom and Sara, More Ecklie development, more Jack, more Brass, Sofia, Hodges, Wendi, Mandy, other lab rats, better, sounder plot, the jist. Sorry for going on about it... I'm sorry for all my blabbing about it... but I'm in the middle of writing an update.

Thanks again so much for reading the fic, I enjoy knowing people are out there reading them. Even if they are some of my worst stuff up, to date.

Well I'll have that oneshot up soon... maybe I'll paste it into a post in this thread for easy access.
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Thank you! *goes to read transcript*

The fic is great as is, but I'm sure the newer version will be awesome. I would rate fics and comment if I could, but I don't have an account or anything.

*anxiously awaits wildfire oneshot*
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Well here you go! I was going to proof it and get it up before I went to bed but I'm growing drowsier by the minute. So you get it as is. There is an M rated version of it that I'm going to finish up and have posted on by monday at the very latest. This is only about two pages and the M rated one is about seven, so far, so I'm sorry if this is blah at the end. I lost stamina writing it and editing it down to PG took something away from it.

Anyway here's the PG version of my oneshot for your viewing pleasure. I'm posting it here because I said I was going to, so I hope that's alright. Going to the fanfiction thread for such a short little blurb seemed silly.

Well enough blabber, here you go.



I’ve spent the last two hours staring at the quarter inch think line of paled skin that wraps itself in a complete circle around my left ring finger. The discoloration in my skin acts as a shining reminder of all of the deformities I have in my life. The tan line is a slowly fading reminder of the two years I wore a gold band on that finger, a glittering symbol of the lies that perpetuated my life. The only distraction I find from dwelling on my failed marriage, wounded heart, and broken spirit are the one hundred and four black and red cards and the multitude of green, red, blue and various other colors of casino chips that I share at this table with two strangers and a dealer who, over the last few days, I’ve come to learn is referred to as ‘Slim.’ I allow my eyes to break the trance they’ve formed with that particular part of my anatomy long enough to study the two cards I have before me on the table, pound back another shot of tequila, and gesture to the dealer I’d like a hit. I’m unsure which I should feel worse about in my life, the fact I married a woman I couldn’t love, or the gambling habit I’d almost defeated, almost.

A little more thought and the continued careful study of the place of absence on my finger leads me to a conclusion I can live with for now. Though many people have been hurt as the result of my gambling, one I’ll never forgive myself for, I feel no shame in the fact that I’ve returned to one of the former Braun casinos in search of a rush, a not-so-cheap thrill. No, all of my shame lies in the knowledge that I rushed myself into a marriage with a woman I didn’t love and doomed both of us into a life that would, best case scenario, end with us being older, on the verge of leaving our prime, bitter, and divorced. ‘Welcome to hell’ I think to myself as I pound back another shot of tequila and push the remainder of my chips into the center of the felt table. A last ditch attempt to save the remaining spoils of my paycheck. Turned up in front of me I see a queen of diamonds and I secretly peek beneath it where I find burrowed the five of clubs, after consideration of the dealer’s six of spades showing I feel confident in gesturing for a hit when my turn comes around. The seven of clubs, naturally, twenty-two points and bust. One more shot pours its way down the back of my throat as I stand and begin to navigate my way out of the casino, following close behind me is a private demon telling me that there is something horribly wrong with my life, that something is missing.

Though my mind is still acting with conscious thought my body is beginning to sway and turn to mush and I have to lean against the face of the building to keep balance, I’m thankful I had the foresight not to try to drive home. At this very moment I’m in front of the casino trying to get the attention of a cab driver before one of the clusters of tourists standing all around me, I’m failing miserably. It doesn’t take long, however, for me to catch the attention of perhaps the only person I’d even be willing to talk to at the time. I pop a piece of gum in my mouth and think myself through all the logical steps of making conversation and normal human bodily movement desperately trying to hide my inebriation as she approaches. She did notice me, I’m sure of it, the population is simply causing an obstacle between her and me, thus prolonging her approach.

I watch all of the natural beauty that encompasses her as she weaves between strangers, trying to greet me. Her pale skin like an ivory throne to the sapphire rivers flowing in her eyes, her long hair wrapping around her cheeks, neck, and shoulders like wildfire consumed with beauty. She smiles at me and I swear nothing, not the city lights nor all the stars in the sky, could possess the beauty to transform my mood as such a small gesture from her. I can’t be sure if it’s all the alcohol or not but when she finally leans close to say ‘hi’ over the bustle and volume of the people around us, I’m high.

It takes me a moment but finally I register that she asked me “what are you doing here?”

Involuntarily I smile at her, and I take a few more moments to study her face before I reply, with a surprisingly much lighter mood, “I could ask you the same thing.” I’m only playing around with her though, and I’m happy for the distraction from my wretched night so I add “I just needed a night out.”

“Since Sam died” she tells me, “I get the royal treatment when I come here. I like to come here to unwind from time to time, it’s nice being out but knowing I have the protection of every security guard and hotel worker in the joint.”

“Picture that” I say to her, amused, and pleased, that she’s concerned with her own safety for once in her life. The incident with the date rape put things in perspective for her, I guess.

“You heading out for the night?” she asks me, with a gesture to the city around us. “Or can I persuade you to come inside for a few drinks and perhaps some good conversation?”

“Honestly, I’m leaning against this wall for a reason, I’d better lay off the drinks” I admit to her honestly. “I’ll have a few cokes though, if you don’t mind drinking with a lightweight.”

“Not at all” she winks at me and I follow her back into the casino, this time not afraid that I’ll find my doom deep within its bowels.

When I finally feel that my eyelids are too heavy to bear I begin to assess the situation a bit, I’ve almost completely sobered though my body is rife with fatigue I feel pretty normal. My watch reads three hours later than it did when I made the attempt to leave the casino the first time, and I feel pretty great. I’ve decided it’s time to make my exit, and when I stand to leave, she stands to bid me goodbye. Something happens though, something I can’t explain. I lean forward to give her a half hug, like I do frequently, but I plant a kiss on her jaw bone where it meets her neck. We haven’t greeted each other in this way for years, and with a surge of giddiness and blood rushing to my cheeks, as well as other places, I realize why. She makes me, among other things, hot. I consider apologizing but the apology is lost in translation, this time the kiss falls on her lips. Our lips meet again, this time driven by passion, and not the awkward fumbling I was doing moments before. I’m secretly grateful that Catherine is a woman that knows her way around this sort of thing, because with pretty girls like her, I’ve never been Casanova.

Things are hazy for a few moments and then I glance out of the elevator that we’ve made our way to long enough to catch a glimpse of a ‘Top Story’ on CNN. Apparently a fire has sprung up in one of the forests in North Carolina and though I’m very occupied at the moment I can’t help but feel a little bad about it. After all I’m pretty sure it was the chemistry and heat coming from the two of us that caused the fire to spring up on the other side of the country, because it’s pretty hot in here and if neither of us are going to get burned the energy had to be displaced somewhere.

The demon is gone and I realize, as I bury my lips into her earlobe and feel the flames of her red curls tickle my cheeks, that the something missing was wildfire.

Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

:eek: Whoa! That was fantastic!!! I just can’t believe you wrote something so eloquent in only one night! The P.O.V. was perfect, as was everything else. Thank you so much for posting it so soon. It is definitely now my favorite Yo!Bling one-shot of all time. Brilliant, really.
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Thank you for all of those kind words. I had a lot of fun working on it and though it's not as good as it could be you've inspired me to keep trying to make it better. You know that could be a fun game someone posting a picture and then someone else writing a very short oneshot related to it. I know that's not exactly what happened here... Well thanks again for reading it so quickly and for such a kind kind response to it. You've made me happy.
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

You are very welcome. :)

That is a great idea for a game! You should take that over to the suggestions thread and see what happens. Yay, this is exciting. I wouldn't attempt to write anything, but I would sift through and find some nice pictures to post.

Obsession Confession: I am now addicted to HipHuggers, along with Yo!Bling.
*sigh* That feels good to get off of my chest.
Ship-aholics Anonymous:
Hi, I'm Rachel and I've been sober for about... never.
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Oh I have a huge addiction. I sit here and read/write Yobling fanfictions all day long. I've even reread the same few like 100 times. It's sad.

What's your ideal yobling scenario?
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

My ideal scenario? Hmmm... I don't know. That is a very good question. I guess I'll have to think about it for awhile. I've just been so used to waiting for something more, my mind keeps me from going beyond where I think the show would actually take it. So the moments that I can think of are just the usual implied attractions between the two. If that makes any sense. :lol:

What is your ideal scenario?
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

A touch, a feel, a kiss, maybe even sex. I dunno. A huge arguement!

Something. Lemme put some more thought into it.

What's your favorite Catherine and Warrick moment thus far?
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

I would probably have to go with the quintessential Catherine/Warrick moment of all time: Down the Drain.

I also really like the locker room scene in Assume Nothing.

What about you?
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

I'd have to go with the "Eye Sex" scene. He asked her out. She said yes.

That was the best!

Okay... so... least favorite Catherine and/or Warrick moment? Mine's the scene where he tells her about Tina. My heart cracks every time.

We could make this a game... you answer my question and then ask another. Then answer it. Then I'll answer it and make a new one for you. Since we're the only kids showing the yobling thread any love anymore.


Eeep! Yobling scene episode! I'm glad I jsut turned on Spike TV. I should have done it hours ago!
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Yeah, my least favorite is when he tells her about Tina, too. I was staring at my television with my jaw hanging, and I was just like, "Damn."

This isn't a very good question, but how do you think things will play out this season, realistically?

I think Warrick will finally be declared as officially divorced. Then, things could go back to normal for them, or on the contrary they could be awkward as hell. From there, I think a relationship will eventually ensue. Maybe there will be a pivotal locker room scene. But I don't want my hopes to get in the way of my logic. It is also possible that nothing at all will happen, as sad as it may be.

I like this game. :D
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Well I think that if they do declare him divorced then there's going to be some sort of huge fight. Due to the fact that he did ask her out in the famous "eye sex" scene I personally am under the impression that they were dating or at least had been on a few dates before he met Tina. I think that they're going to have to address this before anything can happen between them.

What do you think Catherine and Tina would talk about if they had a conversation?

I'm not sure on this one. I'm thinking it wouldn't be too friendly. Maybe Tina being like "He married ME so stay the hell away from him." Or maybe they wouldn't have much of anything to say to each other.
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

:lol: I have no idea how a conversation between them would go over. Catherine is pretty classy, so I don't see a cat fight in the mix. Hmmm... I wonder what would happen if Tina was sent in for questioning and Catherine was on the case. Weird.

Ummm... what first caught your interest in this pairing? Was it a certain episode/moment, or accumulative?

For me, I just sort of became a huge Yo!Bling shipper in an instant, I don't even remember how it happened.
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

A long long long time ago I wrote fanfiction for RENT and Wicked but didn't do it for anything else. Then I got bored with writing fanfiction and started writing my own fictions. An even longer time ago I discovered this amazing show, CSI, with this character, Grissom, and the girl I just knew he was in love with, Sara. I became a fan from my desire to see them together. Well one day I decided to return to my love of the Fanficton world and at the same time explore my love of a show I just couldn't get enough of. The problem was that GSR had begun to bore me. I can't get interested in reading fictions where Grissom is romantic, it just doesnt feel right. Well I decided to explore other Characters. Catherine was first and she introduced me to the wonderful world of the Greg/Catherine ship. I wrote a 5 chapter piece involving these two but felt dirty because I had the secret impression she was into someone else, Warrick. How "Down The Drain" had escaped me for so long is still a mystery to me, but low and behold it came on the very same day I decided to kill my Greg/Catherine fic, yobling instantly became my new obsession. I started reading and writing fics and watching youtube videos. I bought all of the seasons on dvd and watched every episode of CSI. I lived for stolen moments between the two. I still do. I had felt like I was cheating on them before I started writing csi fics but that one moment... I remember like it was yesterday, changed my life.

Has either character ever done somehting you just wanted to slap them upside the head for?

Catherine almost kissing Eddie in Blood Drops. That bugged me, I'm glad she didn't. But there's been a lot of things.
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