Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex Pioneers

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Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

I wanted to post the pic today. From my favorite Yobling moment ever. But Im haveing trouble doing so. Can someone tell me what im doing wrong? I host the image on, then click the image thing to post it, insert HTML, but then it just posts the code. Sorry this is kinda a off topic post. But I wanna share my favorite image with you guys agian lol.
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Anyone here know what's up with An Evident Gamble? I went over there a few days ago to post a new fic and it was down. It's still down, should I assume that it's not coming back online?
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

lostladyknight said:
Anyone here know what's up with An Evident Gamble? I went over there a few days ago to post a new fic and it was down. It's still down, should I assume that it's not coming back online?

I went there earlier today and I think it is most likely permanently gone, which really sucks. The girl who created the site hasn't posted any news in awhile, nor has she updated her Youtube account.

But, when one door closes, another opens... maybe someone will create a new Yo!Bling center (hint, hint).
Any takers? LOL.
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

I was thinking about doing it myself. I'd need to do a lot of research because I've never really run a site like that completely on my own before. However I'm decently skilled with HTML and could do it... I'd just really like a lot of support even before I begin. Just so I know I wouldn't be wasting my time and effort. I would also like a lot of hlep with image editing and creation. I have great software and am moderately talented... but not on this computer. The other one has no way of getting online and this one is tempermental. I tried to plug in a "memory stick" in to this computer just to save some images I'd collected to do a collage for my website and the computer freaked out and shut down. It took me a full two hours to get it running properly again.

I took initiative and did send a few emails out regarding the whole Evident Gamble matter, hopefull I'll recieve a prompt response and can get all of this sorted out.

Being a memeber of one of the most flawed discussion boards on the web for two years makes you a little more willing to step in and take over when the going gets tough.

Thanks for the info.
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

YoBling Pic of the Day


So close yet so far!! :D
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers


^ :D I'm just practicing my reaction post for what is to come in just a few months. Season 8 is the one, man. I can feel it!
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

subterraneantwin said:

^ :D I'm just practicing my reaction post for what is to come in just a few months. Season 8 is the one, man. I can feel it!

LOL I love it!! :lol: HipHugger I love that picoh so sexy and thats like season one or two I think. Come on season eight make all of our YoBLING dreams come true.
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Lmao! Yes!

Here's mine!

"Finally! Took them long enough! Yay, yay, yayness!!! I'm so happy! I can't stop smiling!"

That was fun. Now I'd actually like to say it for reason. Come on season 8! BRING IT ON!
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Mine: *squeals* Yes! *goofy grin* This is the best day of my life!

I'm girly in some ways... but I'm not your average squealy squeaky girl. I've only squealed over a few things in my life. Shoes, My Geisha costume, and Brittney agreeing to come to DC with us.

Anyway... it'll be a happy day.
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

I agree. I'm feeling YoBling in this new season.

At least I hope so, I don't know how much angst of these 2 I can stand. Especially Cath. Crap, if they do one more thing to this woman she's gonna crack. At the very least this season Tina has 2 go! I can stand a longer wait for Yobling but I can't stand Tina!
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

babylon5girl said:

I agree. I'm feeling YoBling in this new season.

At least I hope so, I don't know how much angst of these 2 I can stand. Especially Cath. Crap, if they do one more thing to this woman she's gonna crack. At the very least this season Tina has 2 go! I can stand a longer wait for Yobling but I can't stand Tina!

Ahh… Tina the hyena. :devil:
Well, I have to admit that there really isn’t anything to dislike about Tina except that she is obstructing our plans for Catherine and Warrick. Otherwise I guess she’s nice… but boring.
If she were a prehistoric animal she would be a dino-bore… or a dino-wh*re. (Wow, that was one hideous attempt at a joke.) :lol:
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

subterraneantwin said:

Ahh… Tina the hyena. :devil:
Well, I have to admit that there really isn’t anything to dislike about Tina except that she is obstructing our plans for Catherine and Warrick. Otherwise I guess she’s nice… but boring.
If she were a prehistoric animal she would be a dino-bore… or a dino-wh*re. (Wow, that was one hideous attempt at a joke.) :lol:

Yeah but it was an Anti-Tina Joke, so I thought It was hillarious :lol: I'm sorry I just don't like her at all. she was put in the show so randomly. I can't imagine in the meeting with the writera how they could make the idea of putting Tina in the show sound good. Unless they wanted to call the whole idea "how to further brakedown Catherine Willows"

Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

babylon5girl said:
subterraneantwin said:

Ahh… Tina the hyena. :devil:
Well, I have to admit that there really isn’t anything to dislike about Tina except that she is obstructing our plans for Catherine and Warrick. Otherwise I guess she’s nice… but boring.
If she were a prehistoric animal she would be a dino-bore… or a dino-wh*re. (Wow, that was one hideous attempt at a joke.) :lol:

Yeah but it was an Anti-Tina Joke, so I thought It was hillarious :lol: I'm sorry I just don't like her at all. she was put in the show so randomly. I can't imagine in the meeting with the writera how they could make the idea of putting Tina in the show sound good. Unless they wanted to call the whole idea "how to further brakedown Catherine Willows"


Im hopeing Tina's involment was only to set up, to YOBLING canon in season eight. Also to show the increaseing connecting between Cath and Warrick.
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

MsCatherineBrown said:
Im hopeing Tina's involment was only to set up, to YOBLING canon in season eight. Also to show the increaseing connecting between Cath and Warrick.

God I hope it is a set up for season 8 Yobling cannon. YoBling is my fav Ship, and if it doesn't get better i'm going to feel as desperate as i did before GSR was cannon for all those seasons. Clinging for the least little scrap of a was a dark time...*sighs*... :D

I think I should add the DOWN WITH TINA :devil:ON WITH YOBLING :D to the end of my sig, what does everyone think?
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