Cath & Warrick #7 Yobling --He's married, he's not dead

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Well hello UTT :lol: I found the best UTT icon in that batch. :lol: Those are very creative AngelEyez. *shows off my new shiny yobling avatars to the lj world*

^^Oh and in that icon.. no wonder Warrick said his eyes are his best feature.. he has this cath xray vision.. or maybe its just because of his sunglasses. :p

Yay for the vid Lizzy! *off to watch*
OMG I had NO idea of what I was getting myself into...After reading a few stories I need to go back and watch every Yobling episode there has ever been...

This is just making my obsession 100 times worse. Don't get me wrong, I am so not complaining, but there aren't enough hours in the day!!!

What the hey, who needs food, a job or a paycheck?
Ah One1Red!! You were bitten by the Yobling bug! (oops no pun intended) I hear ya sister! :lol: I did that too before and re-watched every yobling ep while reading fics. And during my breaks I eat Warrick crackers and Catherine jello. :p And it didn't help that TPTB just gave us a measly amount of Yobling last season, they owe the addicts big time. :D

I was watching Burden Of Proof and when the house explodes Warrick shields Catherine.
Aww yeah I love that scene, it reminded me of the scenes in A Little Murder, etc. I think Warrick's instinct is to protect and grab Cath. :D
AngelEyez, you're ZsaZsa, right? As in, she who posted wickedcool Yobling icons on csicons in lj? kickass, babe. You rock my socks ;)
ziggystarduzt said:
AngelEyez, you're ZsaZsa, right? As in, she who posted wickedcool Yobling icons on csicons in lj? kickass, babe. You rock my socks ;)

Yes, I am. Thank you! :)

Hottie_Cath said:
Well hello UTT :lol: I found the best UTT icon in that batch. :lol:

lmao yeah.. too bad we can't use it here... unfortunately it's kind of above the rating. But see? It's just a matter of 'cut'... I told you they've been together all along. :lol:

Hottie_Cath said:
^^Oh and in that icon.. no wonder Warrick said his eyes are his best feature.. he has this cath xray vision.. or maybe its just because of his sunglasses. :p

Xray for sure. He uses it when he has his sunglasses on!
AngelEyez said:
ineverysunflower said:
AngelEyez said:

Like this one. :D

:eek: they are very close in that pic...i love it! thanks for posting it- nice gallery too!

Thank you!

Now that the season's over, I can't help but return to earlier seasons. Moments when they used to be close, when they gave each other the looks and so on. The ones that were completely missing in s6. And those YoBling moments urged me to make some more icons, like this one;


If you're interested, you can check 'em out HERE .

Your icons are amazing *appluads* I love all this Yo!Bling goodness :D I also noticed your "Huddy" ones I was discussing that today... life's one big ship :D

I can't believe you make them move too I can barely turn the computer on :lol:
Willows_Warrick said:
Your icons are amazing *appluads* I love all this Yo!Bling goodness :D I also noticed your "Huddy" ones I was discussing that today... life's one big ship :D

LOL! It definitely is!

Willows_Warrick said:
I can't believe you make them move too I can barely turn the computer on :lol:

LMFAO that's cute.

And picture time!

He just couldn't keep distance...

zsa i love those icons. that sunglasses one is so cool!

Crysthala i really like that "diologue" lol. really cute! and cute pics ineverysunflower.

i miss yobling, i wish we had a better season :( but we have eachother, and i bought cookies and smoothies, so it's all good :)
beautifulview said:
i miss yobling, i wish we had a better season :( but we have eachother, and i bought cookies and smoothies, so it's all good :)

Oh that's cool! *takes cookies* Ty! :D At least we can be HOPEFUL for the new season. And erm.. spoilers will start flooding pretty soon, again, lol.
Oh what is it with yobling and smutty backgrounds? :D I underlined the porn words. hehe. (There's another pic i saw before im still looking for it)

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