Cath & Warrick #7 Yobling --He's married, he's not dead

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That's very true! :D Nice to know there are still people out keeping YoBling in the spotlight.

I can understand the school getting in the way and taking up your time and everything. Do you go to UNI full time?

I used to be the same way with my my site [well online journal] for a long while, but now I don't change the layout as often. I'm glad you don't give it up though. I often look forward to updates. :)
csi_fanatic87 said:
I can understand the school getting in the way and taking up your time and everything. Do you go to UNI full time?

Yep. (I'm at the end of my exam period.. and currently posting here instead of studying for tomorrow :lol:. Damn real life for getting into the way of my fandom life.)

But back to YoBling... during (an attempted) studying, I was thinking of Bang Bang and wondering whether Tina's excuse for being in the Casino was indeed a lie. Because if it's true that she was there because of his birthday, doesn't it make you wonder where she has so much money from?
Hi all, I'm not a Cath/Warrick shipper but I saw these t-shirts on line and decided to be creative and make some manips. I've done one for just about every ship including Slash ones. So I thought i'd show you.

Wojo those are hot! :D

And Hottie good job at spotting smutty backgrounds LMAO!
AngelEyez said:
But back to YoBling... during (an attempted) studying, I was thinking of Bang Bang and wondering whether Tina's excuse for being in the Casino was indeed a lie. Because if it's true that she was there because of his birthday, doesn't it make you wonder where she has so much money from?
Maybe she put money aside for it? I don't know though if doctors make enough to pull a party that expensive. Anyways, it's still weird that she's planning his birthday in a casino. Doesn't she know Warrick at all with his gambling and stuff?
Wojo said:
Hi all, I'm not a Cath/Warrick shipper but I saw these t-shirts on line and decided to be creative and make some manips. I've done one for just about every ship including Slash ones. So I thought i'd show you.


That is absolutley great...I love it great job.

Wojo those are HOT! :D Im saving those!

cofi_shot said:

And Hottie good job at spotting smutty backgrounds LMAO!
AngelEyez said:
But back to YoBling... during (an attempted) studying, I was thinking of Bang Bang and wondering whether Tina's excuse for being in the Casino was indeed a lie. Because if it's true that she was there because of his birthday, doesn't it make you wonder where she has so much money from?
Maybe she put money aside for it? I don't know though if doctors make enough to pull a party that expensive. Anyways, it's still weird that she's planning his birthday in a casino. Doesn't she know Warrick at all with his gambling and stuff?
Maybe the party will be held in one of the function rooms in the hotel? Maybe Tina's parents are rich and we don't know about it yet. (I think his father is a doctor??? Or maybe I just read it on fanfiction. :lol: )
Hottie_Cath said:
Oh what is it with yobling and smutty backgrounds? :D I underlined the porn words. hehe. (There's another pic i saw before im still looking for it)


is it a sign? yes, literally and figuratively.
oooooo they are VERY VERY cool :D thanks for sharing them with us Wojo!

*sigh* I wish I had one! HAHA - I'll take the t-shirt and the guy wearing it thanks! :D haha
ziggystarduzt said:
Yay, it's Crys! I can't believe you're a police officer already!
You know, that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Most people aren't glad to see me... <sniff> <emo tear> Me? A police officer? Surely you jest... <looks> I AM a police officer! Holy poo! This is cause to celebrate! COOKIES FOR ONE AND ALL! And muffins for you sugarfree types. Muffins are okay, too.
Wojo, your manips are excellent as always. Gaah, I wish I could do that...
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