Cath & Warrick #7 Yobling --He's married, he's not dead

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One1Red said:
Greetings and Salutations!

I think I have died and gone to Heaven...Yobling!!! Who knew? All of these years I have yearned for C/W and never realised that there were others just like me - dedicated to the sweet torture that is Catherine and Warrick. And to think it even has an "official" name - WOW.

I have just plowed through the entire back catalogue of Threads #1 thru #7 and am physically and emotionally spent. What joy!!!

My next assignment will be to plunge into the world of fan fiction to read until my eyes glaze over...Wish me luck. :eek:
Wow, welcome One1Red to the yobling ship.. :) I'm pretty new to the ship, I bet you've been a yoblinger way ahead of me :D but just in case, here are some of the best yobling places in the world that i usually visit.. Perfect-Nowhere: Yobling, Yobling Fan Fic Archives, _impress_me's shiny avatars, sistasouljah's yobling avatars and some other yobling stuff.
And good luck on the fan fics.. be sure to drink lots and lots of cold water and have lots of cool baths before reading the fics. :D
Great links Hottie_Cath[b/]!
* Shivers in anticipation of all the Yobling goodness waiting for her...

Thanks for the warning about hydration...I wouldn't want to be overcome by the "heat" :devil: before I could finish all the stories :lol:
AngelEyez said:
OH yeah. That's my favorite saying; Catherine and Warrick need to consummate! :lol:

Bless marg for using that word lol. It's kinda weird to have them saying yobling stuff from the commentaries of s5, then they marry off Warrick in s6.

Time for another eye sex pic :)
Thank you, Cofi! :D Cath's look is mixed IMO. A bit STFU and a bit OMGiloveyou. She might think 'Why the hell do I love you?'
WillowsWannaBe said:
Cath's look is mixed IMO. A bit STFU and a bit OMGiloveyou. She might think 'Why the hell do I love you?'
LOL yeah that's the perfect way to describe it. Leaning towards the OMGiloveyou :D
Holy heck One1Red ... lol. Welcome!

And Rissa shut up, you've been around longer than me, lol.

Oh and pix... well this is not from the show but this pic of Marg and Gary is just so cute, I cannot NOT share. :lol:

*gushes* :D Thank you! I love it to pieces.

Welcome One1Red. Good luck on the fics. There are like zillion of 'em so aside from staying hydrated and taking lots of cold showers, I suggest keeping the eye drops and coffee handy.

Zsa, that's such a great pic. How can TPTB not want them together? They're all insane, if you ask me. Marg and Gary have such great chemistry, on screen and off. Meta and Gary have zip. I'm not getting it.
I will now apply my scenario fetish to YoBling.
<Tina has come to take Warrick to lunch>
Gris: Hey Greg. Whose car is that? <points>
Greg: I think that's Warrick's car. Hey, is that his wife?
Gris: I think so...
Greg: That IS his wife. She looks pissed.
Gris: That's because he's flirting with Catherine.
Greg: Really? <looks>
Rick: <enters> Hey Gris.
Gris: Oh, hey, Warrick.
Greg: You might want to go on lunch break before freakin' Yoko Ono out there turns that machine gun on Catherine.
Rick: My wife doesn't have a machine gun... <looks>
Tina: <holding a machine gun> RAWR FEEL MY JEALOUS RAGE!!
Gris: I think that's an AK47. Good thing this whole place is made of bulletproof glass. <humming, looks at something under the microscope>
Rick: o_O
Tina: RAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! <firing machine gun>
Rick: <running outside> I WANTA FREAKIN' DIVORCE!

Hey, have you guys ever noticed that the name of all 6 CSIs can be reduced to four letters? :lol: Gris, Sara, Cath, Greg, Nick, Rick. Hehe, that's funny.
alwayswrite05 said:
How can TPTB not want them together? They're all insane, if you ask me. Marg and Gary have such great chemistry, on screen and off. Meta and Gary have zip. I'm not getting it.

*applause* I hear that! I say they are crazy. Hpw can they NOT see the love between these 2? I mean come on they want each other. :D

I don't get it either. *shakes head* I don't know what's wrong with TPTB.
They're insane. That's what's wrong. They can't see what's right in front of them. Literally. It's dumbfounding. And aggravating...And exasperating and a whole bunch of other -ing's :mad:.
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