Cath & Warrick #7 Yobling --He's married, he's not dead

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ineverysunflower said:
hehe i wonder where caths hands are :lol: great pics cofi_shot
by the look on his face they are on what she knows is his best feature, and i aint talking bout his eyes :devil: :devil:
*shyly pokes head in*

Can I join the festivities?
I've decided to uncloset myself as a dedicated and slightly obsessed YoBlinger...

I've brought cookies. :)
Hey, I'm sorta new here- when I first discovered Talk CSI I lurked here, but I've been sorta distracted recently by GSR :D

I just wanna say that I love Yobling, and that I was (surprisingly) a fan of it before GSR. Hopefully we will get more next season. If Gris & Sara can be together :D hopefully Cat and Warrick can. Even TV Guide says they're not over :D
OH newbies, coolie! Welcome people! It's great to have even more people who support YoBling! :D

So I didn't make everyone happy with my previous wallpaper because I featured Tina. Thought I'd owe those people another piece. So before I disappear again, I'm dropping by with this;

AngelEyez, I saved your wallpaper! Your artistic work is beautiful! :) You did a wonderful job on it. Thanks!

Welcome to the YoBling forum Freckles101 and Cirius_Hope. Nice to have you join us! *grabs 2 cookies from Cirius_Hope*
zsazsa you are now on my desktop. i'm stalking you :O

welcome to sirius and Freckles!

ps... is anyone else getting like 1000x pop ups when you click "post" or something on this site? maybe its just me...
Welcome Sirius, and Freckles. You and your cookies are always welcome here ;).

Zsa that wallpaper was gorgeous. As per usual. I now have a purdy new desktop. Yay!

About the ALM pic though, I'm not sure where Cath's hands are, but I remember Warrick's hands heading south of the equator. They stopped, but only cuz they were outside other wise...:devil:

On another note I've update chapter seventeen of Kiss Kiss for whoever may be interested.
Welcome newbies! :D
Zsazsa, I do love your new wallpaper!!!! *changes Zsa's old wallpaper to her new one :lol:*
ineverysunflower said:
hehe i wonder where caths hands are :lol:
How dirty your mind is, sydney!!! :D
Zsa that wallpaper is amazing! *saves wp* :) WarricksBabyGirl sometimes imagevenue can be an a$s so here's the URL of the Wallpaper: Wallpaper

alwayswrite05 said:
On another not I've update chapter seventeen of Kiss Kiss for whoever may be interested.
Wow! :eek: That was amazing. :) I was expecting a different thing to happen, thank goodness it/she/he was alive. I better stop watching CSI :lol: I think the cliches on the show stunt my imagination.. I should read fics instead. :lol: And the facts on the fic were well researched, I love the wordplay and the descriptions. Great job Ash.
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