Cath & Warrick #7 Yobling --He's married, he's not dead

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ok ok.. that's true.

Now I'm thinking, you think Cath's got a pic of Nick there too? Because she's a supervisor? :lol: The we-are-all-a-big-family thing? Or maybe it's just a decorating choice put in by Marg, or maybe Carol. She was still around in s5, right? That's why that season was such a good one for Yobling.
Well we got their pic together on Cath's desk, they've kissed ea other on the cheek (The Finger), they've hugged at a vulnerable moment (A Little Murder), they've looked at ea other seductively (too damn many to mention them all but will go with Big Middle as one example) and they've been in ea other's arms and looked longing at ea other (Down the Drain). Lets not forgot how he stupidly got married and cornered her until he found out how she felt about him and she told him it basically ended her fantasy (Bodies in Motion). And even though he's married got called out on flirting with Cath by a coworker (Secrets and Files)

*looks at Zsa's avi*

Yeah, they need to quit playin with us and just show us some lovin next season.
Well we got their pic together on Cath's desk, they've kissed ea other on the cheek (The Finger), they've hugged at a vulnerable moment (A Little Murder), they've looked at ea other seductively (too damn many to mention them all but will go with Big Middle as one example) and they've been in ea other's arms and looked longing at ea other (Down the Drain). Lets not forgot how he stupidly got married and cornered her until he found out how she felt about him and she told him it basically ended her fantasy (Bodies in Motion). And even though he's married got called out on flirting with Cath by a coworker (Secrets and Files)

I remember all those moments. All wonderful! :D Hopefully we have more YoBling filled moments and episodes next season too!

Yeah, they need to quit playin with us and just show us some lovin next season.

I know! Hopefully they'll give us some decent and wonderful scenes and not keep us waiting too long...
AngelEyez said:
Here's a cap from King Baby.


Noticed how big the frame is? :lol:

I think that it is them, o and congrats on the new thread haven't been on in a while so i am kinda late on that one. Hopefully there is hope for yobling.

and this is my contribute it kinda sucks i did it real quick but you can give me tips on how to make a thought out one next time.
web page]Yobling Baby...the video clip
eeeeeps! why did I not know about that frame earlier??! hahahaha!!! That's just made me all giddy!!! And R.C reading ur recap of all good things yobling makes me just smile and fills me with such hope for season 7...

BiM was so telling for me... he was clearly uncomfortable and reallllllllllly wanted to know what was going on in Cath's head :D ....
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