Cath & Warrick #7 Yobling --He's married, he's not dead

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Ah, Happy belated Birthday beautifulview . Sorry for being late, I had some exam and net issues. (Damn RL for interrupting in fandom life :lol: )

Anyway... we got a whole summer in front of us and I guess we should take advantage of it. Despite some odd stuff in season 6, they left us in a promising situation for YoBling. So before the PTBs do more damage, we can use the summer to make theories.. or write fanfictions about how the saga of Cath and Warrick could/should go on.

And thanks for everyone for the comments on my wallpaper. :D

And welcome new ppl. Yay we are getting bigger.
Belated Happy Birthday to Linda! :) Good to know you had fun. *hugs linda and her avvie*

my favourite moment has to be in down the drain that was an awesome episode, it was in s5 wasn't it, well if it is i'll have to buy S5 on dvd so i can watch it again and again, damb that man though for interrupting they so were going to kiss.
Yeah boo for that S&S worker, he was the root of it all! :lol: and welcome to the yobling thread Aiden_Burn! :)
haven't been able to check in awhile.. so

a) welcome to the newbies! yay more yoblingers

b) is it too late to take some cookies?! have they run out?! hehehe...

c) belated happy bday beautifulview/linda :D
Happy belated b-day Linda! So what are you, now? Fifty? Sixty? :D Ain't I lame? Lol. Anyway, I hope your b-day saw you well and happy. And with lots of presents, of course ;).

Welcome Aiden_Burn. Always nice to meet another YoBlinger :).

AngelEyez said: Anyway... we got a whole summer in front of us and I guess we should take advantage of it. Despite some odd stuff in season 6, they left us in a promising situation for YoBling. So before the PTBs do more damage, we can use the summer to make theories.. or write fanfictions about how the saga of Cath and Warrick could/should go on.
Yeah, summer looms ahead of us, with no new CSI to take our minds off the heat. Goody :rolleyes:. Theories and fics will be an excellent way to pass the time 'til September. I'm sorta hoping it goes something like someone (I think it was RC) said a thread or two ago:

Cath: Warrick, why isn't there a ring on your ring finger?
Warrick: Because I got divorced.
Cath: :devil:

But that's just me. What do ya'll think?
alwayswrite05 said:
Happy belated b-day Linda! So what are you, now? Fifty? Sixty? :D Ain't I lame? Lol. Anyway, I hope your b-day saw you well and happy. And with lots of presents, of course ;).

Welcome Aiden_Burn. Always nice to meet another YoBlinger :).

AngelEyez said: Anyway... we got a whole summer in front of us and I guess we should take advantage of it. Despite some odd stuff in season 6, they left us in a promising situation for YoBling. So before the PTBs do more damage, we can use the summer to make theories.. or write fanfictions about how the saga of Cath and Warrick could/should go on.
Yeah, summer looms ahead of us, with no new CSI to take our minds off the heat. Goody :rolleyes:. Theories and fics will be an excellent way to pass the time 'til September. I'm sorta hoping it goes something like someone (I think it was RC) said a thread or two ago:

Cath: Warrick, why isn't there a ring on your ring finger?
Warrick: Because I got divorced.
Cath: :devil:

But that's just me. What do ya'll think?

Hehe sounds good to me :D

I would love in the first episode of next season for Tina to have filed for divorce or something and Warrick is telling Catherine and he's made such a mistake etc etc basically needs a "shoulder to cry on ;)"

Then Tina decides SHE has made the mistake and goes to apologise to Warrick at work etc only to find him being "comforted" by Cath. Haha because I'm evil and Tina needs to see what she is slightly getting in the way of. :devil:
Willows Warrick wrote:

I would love in the first episode of next season for Tina to have filed for divorce or something and Warrick is telling Catherine and he's made such a mistake etc etc basically needs a "shoulder to cry on ;)"

Then Tina decides SHE has made the mistake and goes to apologise to Warrick at work etc only to find him being "comforted" by Cath. Haha because I'm evil and Tina needs to see what she is slightly getting in the way of. :devil:

I would love for tht to happen! i cnt wait til season 7 reaches the UK! it's gna be ages tho :( oh well, at least i've got u guys to keep me going. oh btw, happy belated b day linda and welcome newbies!
alwayswrite05 said:
Theories and fics will be an excellent way to pass the time 'til September. I'm sorta hoping it goes something like someone (I think it was RC) said a thread or two ago:

Cath: Warrick, why isn't there a ring on your ring finger?
Warrick: Because I got divorced.
Cath: :devil:

But that's just me. What do ya'll think?
awwww, i was laughing very hard when i first read RCs post :lol:
lets hope TPTB will wake up from this nightmare and start doing something with csi and yobling. its promised, so if they dont wanna be liars.... :rolleyes:

what about the censored part? :devil:
Hottie_Cath said:
Yeah boo for that S&S worker

lol I would categorize that S&S worker with Hodges... they both interrupted at crucial moments. -I didn't hate Hodges as much as the worker though. Doesn't those people make you wonder where's tact ? lol... I mean if you see two people ALMOST kissing, would YOU interrupt? (Unless you are interested in one [or both :lol: ] of them ?! ). Meh.. rude people!
^^^LOL considering both of them were in their tank tops and both were looking pretty hot, so I say he's probably interested in both of them :lol:

Definitely bad judgment on his part. I mean he could've witnessed live smut. LMAO.
For Warrick:

thanks to hottie, zsazsa, ash, and yoblinger_jo for birthday wishes:) thanks! and ps ash, i'm 15/6/7! lol.

omg, willowswannabe that is such a hysterical icon. :smacks it to warrick's face:
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