Cath & Warrick #7 Yobling --He's married, he's not dead

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I remember those moments RC and Hottie_Cath. I've recently seen Who Are You for the first time a few days ago on DVD and I love that scene! :D

Warrick and Catherine completely know each other well and have a deep connection that they only share with each other.
Hey People!

Do Remeber me??!?!?!

Well I have been on for a while but I have been watchin this thread die. We need to start it up again. People used to be postin 24/7. What has happened??

I don't know you, but hello and welcome back! :)

Well more posting will happen when the new season starts. So far, not so much new news to talk about.

We revisit good YoBling moments every now and then though. :D
Don't know if anyone's posted this spoiler-laden article yet, but...while I'm thrilled Greg's getting a storyline, and I've always been a fan of the friendship between Nick and Warrick...this doesn't sound promising for YoBling. I hope it's as dodgy and inaccurate in that respect as some of the spoilers LAST summer were...I still want that Greggo storyline, though, but what the (insert expletive of choice) is going on with Warrick?!?!?! ARGH!
korbjaeger said:
Don't know if anyone's posted this spoiler-laden article yet, but...while I'm thrilled Greg's getting a storyline, and I've always been a fan of the friendship between Nick and Warrick...this doesn't sound promising for YoBling. I hope it's as dodgy and inaccurate in that respect as some of the spoilers LAST summer were...I still want that Greggo storyline, though, but what the (insert expletive of choice) is going on with Warrick?!?!?! ARGH!

Disappointing but not surprising. Such a pity, though. Im sorry but I absolutely dont care for the other ship. Im starting to think that those people who dont want romance on the show have right.. cuz this way I do feel bitter because...

A ship has happened.. but not the one I find appealing. So now I'll have to put up with that next season, being bitter that my ship seems to be dismissed. OH well.. life sucks, and so do the writers. Sorry, they just went so downhill. Sacraficing such a great bond that THEY created for something entirely different and forced is such a shame. At least we still have fanfics, those make more sense.
ITA, AngelEyez. I take comfort in bolstering our frustrated Good Ship YoBling with the support of a few of my non-canon (but lots o "cannon"), for-fun ships. Quite the little Armada to console myself with. Viva la Fanfic.

And I insist that YoBling MUST happen, simply because it would be completely dumbassed for it not to. So there. :p
*sneaks in*


Hey ya'll, I'm back...for now. :lol:

Just wanted to say that I really do heart you, Zsa. I have just the same opinion, but I could never put it as well as you did. So, does that mean we'll be getting more fantastic Yo!Bling fics from you? :D

*sneaks out and goes back to PureJoy*
Hey E.! You should sneak by more often ;)

Really, given the statements before earlier seasons about what those would have in store and what they actually ended up containing, any pre-season buzz tends to be taken with a grain of salt by me.
CSIWanabe said:
I Will Try To Write Some Fan Fics. I'm Not The Best At But I'll you Guys Be The Judge.
Brit, wb hon but WHAT? I know summer's out Babe but is this even english? :lol:

Anyway, I don't give up on Yobling though my faith in tptb is seriously waning. But I'm not counting my chickens before they've hatched.
I've got to def agree with Miss Cam. Carol can say what she wants but how can we take her word? She's been the one advocating YoBling among other things in the past and hasn't delivered. I'd say the same would go for this news from her as far as I'm concerned. I think we should all wait and see. Also, it could just be a ploy on her part to finally suprise us with YoBling. It's just senseless to have the media give all this hype to Cath and War, to include Marg and Gary voicing their desire constantly, and it just go to the wayside. What was even the purpose of the stupid diner pic which Warrick was still ringless (wedding band goes on the left hand as far as I'm concerned) and looking at Cath?

But it's awesome to see you Erica, Robin and Miss Cam. :) (See Brit! YoBlingers are ALWAYS around. :D)
ITA with you all. The Warrick spoilers last season ended up to be huge blunders so we'll just have to wait and see. Besides, when all else fails, I'll have the next chapters of One1Red, alwayswrite05's fics to look forward to. :lol: And also somebody promised to write a yobling break room smut fic and I bet she won't break that promise.. right ruzila?
Welcome back btw Brit! :)

Hey all, long time no post. I just read a good 10 pages of yobling inspired threads and I gotta say, I cannot wait for some season 7 action (wink wink nudge nudge). Okay, so the spoilers really aren't very no way what-so-ever but we yoblingers must keep our heads up and our minds in the gutter!

When I saw Bang Bang's preview, And it looked like Rick's relationship with his wife was on the rocks, I knew there could've been hope for him and Cath. I always knew something was brewing bet. them.
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