Cath & Warrick #7 Yobling --He's married, he's not dead

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LOL this reminds me of Cath's hips from The Unusual Suspect. What did you say back then, Rissa? 'The hips don't lie?' :lol:

(Even their hips want it.... :devil: )
I'm certainly not immune.
Catherine: So, Warrick.
Warrick: Yyyyeeeesss?
Catherine: After you've filed those divorce papers...
Warrick: Yyyyyyeeeeeeeeeessssssssssss?
Catherine: wanna take part in our faaaaavorite pastime?
Warrick: Baseball?
Catherine: No, but it does involve a stick...
<cut to Warrick and Catherine driving like lunatics through the streets, laughing maniacally>
Warrick: It's really too bad I don't have automatic transmission...
Hehe, that made me giggle :D.

Regarding the picture though, I still don't quite understand how Catherine was able to keep from pouncing on Warrick then and there. Then again, I have a hard time understanding how she's ever able to keep from pouncing on him. In the locker a storm the evidence the break room...*cough* IN THE BREAK ROOM *glances at RC and whistles*.
You're very right, Zsa. But who ever would we find to write such a thing??? *thinks hard* I know someone who writes such good...yobang. What's her name? *taps finger to chin and ponders*
AngelEyez said:
LOL this reminds me of Cath's hips from The Unusual Suspect. What did you say back then, Rissa? 'The hips don't lie?' :lol:

(Even their hips want it.... :devil: )
Yep hips don't lie. *g* :devil:

alwayswrite05 said:
Regarding the picture though, I still don't quite understand how Catherine was able to keep from pouncing on Warrick then and there. Then again, I have a hard time understanding how she's ever able to keep from pouncing on him. In the locker a storm the evidence the break room...*cough* IN THE BREAK ROOM *glances at RC and whistles*.

Yeah she's got an amazing self control :lol: see Catherine's trying so hard. but she gave in on this scene: ( AngelEyez made it here )

Well I think all girls would find Warrick's cro..*beep* irresistible.
And RC we will definitely be waiting for your break room fic. :D
Love the cap Zsa :D. Cath's definitely not focused on his eyes...

Hottie Said: Well I think all girls would find Warrick's cro..*beep* irresistible.
Exactly. This is what I mean. If Warrick were ever that close to me, I'd pounce on him. I wouldn't be able to help myself. It would be purely instinctual...and slightly carnal :devil:.

Oh, and speaking of pouncing, I've updated Kiss Kiss.

*snorts drink out nose* :lol: Why that's true love aint it? Aside from Warrick's eyes she also loves the rest of Warrick's body parts.

alwayswrite05 said:
Oh, and speaking of pouncing, I've updated Kiss Kiss.
Yay finally an update! :) Its good that there are lots of yobling fics during this summer hiatus.. it helps ease our yobling withdrawals. *reads the fic*
oh wow, those pictures are so funny. No shame at all. At the workplace no less. :lol: Thats fine with me, probably dont want to get caught though, so im thinking...pull the blinds down and lock the door. Enjoy yourselves ;)
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