Cath & Warrick #7 Yobling --He's married, he's not dead

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Hottie_Cath said:
Ohh I posted the nekkid Warrick pictures because veggie asked for it. That's the best request ever in this thread. LOL. :D

We will just have to put up with hypocrisy, annoyance and confusion in the meantime (from all ends) but I say we just have to wait. Unless they wan't to pull the same trick again like in WTG cuz then I don't want YoBling.
Yeah Im done with the mind tricks and the hypocrisy. I hope season 7 would be better for yobling and for us. I hope they learned from the mess in WTG too.

Yay! More caps=lots of hotness, yo.

lmao, apparently they haven't because they've started the same crap in interviews with marg now. the new crop of writers frighten me.

but on a happier note


cath: *singing to self* it's getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes

cath: put it up warrick. the tiger doesn't care.


cath: did you expect all these people?
calliegh: oh no! i can't believe horatio put up a flyer
Oh the second pic is from Cross Jurisdictions that's why the Miami people are there. I like CJ both Cath and Warrick had their alone time together basking in the Miami heat..well except in that screencap.. they had an orgy.

im so confused lol, put what up
NC 17. *beep*
^^Uhm she's been popping in here since Thread no. 2.. and remember coolcatz owns the copyright to the word 'yobang'. :lol:

Love the caps coolcatz. :D Btw I watched No Humans Involved (just for the second time) today and *squee* the scene in Cath's office made me go "Aw" like Warrick :lol: :

"WARRICK: Aw, it looks good on you.


CATHERINE: From now on, anything that happens at a crime scene, I'm your first phone call.

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