i want rick n tina to be seperated (not ness be divorced) when he and cath get together.
as fun as affairs can be (the whole we shouldnt be doing this rush) they cheapen a relationship that may last after the original relationship is broken off and the affair turns into the relationship. i dont know why but it just happens.
i want rick to break it off with tina, and not go straight to cath, and i dont think cath wants that either, coz then there is the whole 'rebound' worry. i want them to maybe have a conversation about whats going on/gone on between them and come to the agreement that there is something between them, and to just play things as they come and not rush things. and just be friends until the time is right for them to cross over the line into a relationship.
this will bring them closer together in the end because they will have built back up the friendship trust and the friendship love they have for each other before delving into the relationship love.
((that make sense?))