Cath & Warrick #7 Yobling --He's married, he's not dead

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csi_fanatic87 said:
*sigh* You sure do know how to pick out some great pics heartagram69! :D

What episode are the last 2 from?
Iced, season 5 i think ep 19 or 20, amusing ep lol.

and deffinate yobling flirtage.
Hey everyone! :D

Since you are all such good little yoblingers, :lol: I am certain you are aware of a TV pilot Gary and Marg did called keys. Right? ;) Well, over on e-bay they have 2 VHS copies up for bid. I just thought I'd give you all a heads up in case someone wants to take a stab at winning them.
That was nice of you umbrello :).

Love the pics. The last two are from Iced, right? Ugh, that's the only disk I don't have of season five. The cosmos are cruel.
cofi I also rewatched Cats in the Cradle two days ago.. the back porn scene is definitely one of my favorites. :D Great pics too heartagram! my faves are the "fcuk" "and" "again" pics.

Ok Ill share one of my fave pic too.. BP hotness

Thanks for the info umbrello.
Thank you for the pics cofi and hearty! hearty, you wont get the award for worst shipper, you dont have to be afraid of it anymore :p
I love the first one so much hearty!!! *smooch*smooch* ! :)

Some more pics! From here: Yobling Gallery
Cath knows what Warrick is looking at:

And this cap reminded me of Gary Dourdan's quote from February 27, 2005 TV Guide about his fantasies about Cath/Warrick:
"Dourdan, for one, is ready for action. "I'm excited to see what happens with them," he says. "I'd love to see that sex scene on the kitchen table."

Well that's teh kitchen table for ya Warrick. :lol:
Kitchen table *drools*

And sorry I'm mad late with your fic Rissa... I'm sure a certain someone will make sure it gets done before summer ends. :lol: Maybe even a vid or two!

All in favor for Rissa's YoBling Breakroom fic say 'Aye'


ROTFL, Rissa! :lol: It's hilarious! :D Yeep, the kitchen table rocks *tries to calm down* *starts to write a hot fic :devil:*
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