Cath/Sara Slash #8: Strippers Down The Hall

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^ Hee, I'm going to look now.. RC told me sorta, she was like "Oh, I just posted on Jayne's LJ thing for you!" and I was like "Whu?" you're my hero.

I like Pink and Perky!
lol...Pinky and Perky sure sound fun, though I must say that the idea of naming your breast (or anyone elses for that matter) is just plain freaky... but that seems to be something you need to get used to around here ;)
Anyway, Happy Birthday from me as well, ziggystarduzt
Pinky & Perky sounds like a lively duo!

Since I can't have an icon here to demonstrate the pinky & perky - I guess a pink & purple cheer pic of the girls will have to do.

(more at my LJ)
I like Jack and Jill :p

Congrats Ziggy! Hope you have a great day! :)

Btw: I like the icons Kaynlyne!

Since I can't have an icon here to demonstrate the pinky & perky

But you did make one like that? :devil: :p
Thanks for the bday wishes, everyone! I'm having an awesome bday.. my dad came to visit, and my best friends too :D Now all I need is some Cath/Sara action XD
ZIGGY !!!!
I was out of town, and missed your B-day completely...
Happy (belated) Birthday !!! Have a nice ... next year! And greetings to the Puffins (whatever that is!) :p

to everyone :
Someone interested in beta-ing a C/S fic and by chance being a native speaker or really good at pretending to be one? ..check out my post over at "beta volunteers" :)
^Thanks, Rykoe!!! I had an awesome day XD And ask Jayney about the puffins, she tells it best.

I'd be really happy to beta your fic... and I am, in fact, a native English speaker!!
Right. It is I, co-moderator of Shipper Central. I'm here to remind everyone to go read TBonz's It's Me Again post, acknowledge the rules and sign it. Please do so as quickly as possible. If you have already done so, thank you for your co-operation. :)

I would also like to say the following, in addition to TBonz's post.

In regards to mod notification, please do so only when it is absolutely necessary and you are absolutely sure that the post is flaming in nature, spam or was made by a troll. If you're not sure ... that's what the board rules are there for. One or two notifications are more than enough to alert us to any situations that need our moderating. And no, sending us dozens of them in one go will not make us respond faster or 'help' us with our job. In fact, it's friggin' irritating to have our mailboxes clogged with spammy notifications. Be patient for us to respond. We moderators have a life outside of this board, and we can't be here 24/7. However, we always endeavor to reply and check things out as soon as we can.

About spammy posts. We mods have noticed that spam-like posts have been increasing lately. While we understand that the boards can get slow with no new episodes on air yet, please refrain from constantly posting one-liners. Especially, those that have nothing to do with the 'ship or current discussion. If possible, use PMs rather than clogging up the thread. No one enjoys browsing through a thread full of irrelevant posts, eh?

And lastly ... this is pure common sense. If you know that you'll be uncomfortable or annoyed about characters in your favorite ship being shipped with other characters you might not like, DON'T GO AND READ THEIR SHIP THREADS. You only have yourself to blame if you end up upset with other shippers not liking your ship. There's a very good reason why each ship has their own thread. Think about that.

That's all from me. For now. :cool:
I was bored so I made some icons. They're nothing special, I was just fooling around with my photo I said, I was bored... and still stuck on my stupid fic, that's what you get for trying to write things that are longer that three chapters :rolleyes:
So, well:
those are really good MiaCharlize! What do the first four say? the text is so small at transparent and my eyes are crap.

I love betaing but people tend to get mad at me because I get too picky!
thanks :)
good question, I seem to just write some words and then forget what it was but let's see...
No 1 I belive it was something along the lines of "take my hand and show me how to fly" and then something. And the german part: Auch Engel müssen fliegen lernen (Even angels
have to learn how to fly) I'm currently listening to my VERY old cds and that brings out my silly side :D

2&3 both say drive (several times each)
and 4 says "come a little closer, just a little nearer" or something
Mia, the icons are superb. Especially No.5 made me fall off my bed laughing... :D

Laetri, Ziggy,
I LOVE people who tend to be picky!
so if you're still willing to beta then write to:
elite_closeyoureyes @
and I'll come back to you.
(sorry mods , but there's nothing happening over at beta volunteers ) :(
^Sounds good, Rykoe! I'll email you right away XD

And thank you, kimmy for your post. We don't have a spam or flame problem in here, but we sure do in other threads I post in :)
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