Cath/Sara Slash #8: Strippers Down The Hall

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Ha, you guys are so jumpin' the gun here.. we've still got like what, 13 pages to go before we need a new thread title? Regardless, those titles are all great, as always quoth! hee.

And kaylyne? Your av is sexsay XD
ziggystarduzt said:
And kaylyne? Your av is sexsay XD
Well, actually it's the person pictured in the avi that's sexsay! She's the one that does all the work! I just "tweak" it a little. ;)
:lol: Yes, I agree with ziggy, the avy- *thud* :p

So what if we still have 13 pages to go!? ::p I'm... just making sure my voice is heard, is all! :lol:

You know what ladies? Speaking of cleavage... Cath has Bob and Tom... Sara remains unnamed :lol: :p


Cath: What shall I call you guys...? Ted and Steve? Joe and Jack? Stu and Stan?
Sara: Cath, stop! You're making me blush!

:lol: :p
If we're staying with 3-letter names - Moe & Joe?

Sara: That's right, Cat. Keep the hands where I can see them.
Cath: *pouts* But you're so sexy in that jumpsuit! Please!?
kaylyne said:
What are the previous 7 titles that we've had? I think I remember "All I need" has been used. What are the others?

#1: can't remember sorry
#2: Tank Top Fantasies
#3: Hot Girls In Love
#4: Let Me See That Thong
#5: You're Mine Tonight
#6: It's Not The Beak, It's The Motion
#7: All I Need

I'm all for: #9: Two Sharp Women :D

And as I recall.. a long long time ago, Sara's were called "Tit 'n Tat" however, their names changed during the months.. there was something with "peachy" in it as well I believe.


I think Sara's reaching out for Tom & Bob..

And because I can:


..and all of a sudden we all know that Catherine forgot to put back on her trousers :devil:
:lol: :lol: Jaynie-poo, you slay me :lol: :p But yup, even Nicky noticed Catherine's lack of pants... maybe he...*cough* interrupted... Cath and Sara in the middle of a little somethin' somethin'? ;)

Sara's definitely reaching for something in that first pic :lol:

Cath: Close your eyes and you'll get a surprise, Sara.
Sara: *sigh* What am I going to be feeling?
Cath: You tell me.


kaylyne, Cath's right... she does look really sexy in that jumpsuit :devil:
I think Cath is showing Sara & Nick her latest purchases - some They're on their way to start an experiement. Nick must be the one who has to document the results?
jeez, whenever I have nothing to do and I am stuck sitting at home bored nobody posts anything. Then I have to leave for teh weekend to go to boring-land and I miss a million conversations.

ah well at least I have lots of new pictures to caption.
Hey, maybe that could be part of the mandate of the puffin party! We could recruit Thongers as part of our campaign! A slogan could be like... "A Thong in every thread" or something!
Hi. I'm new here, that is I've been lurking around for a while but I was bored and got stuck on some stories I wrote so I decided to finally register here and join the fun... Might cause some sparks of inspiration :)
Anyway...just wanted to say hello
Welcome MiaCharlize. Nice to have people de-lurking around here.
Jayne - I agree. It did seem a bit dull here lately. I'm waiting to get some more CS caps so I can make up some "thong" artwork and liven things up.
Compared to how it is whenever I am bored out of my mind and on the computer for hours on end (everyone is out of town it is so annoying) and nobody is posting yeah a lot of posts compared to no posts.

Welcome MiaCharlize I could never stand lurking, you can't talk to people. Expecially cool people like us.
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