Cath/Sara Slash #8: Strippers Down The Hall

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That was a very nice 1st meeting indeed. I liked the way Cath tried to mark her territory, and Sara's remark was just plain cool.

Personally I favoured another scene from that ep though, the "something-something" with the phonecall. Those looks were priceless, I think Catherine totally impessed Sara with that impro performance, just as much as she confused her
I really like those first CS scenes in retrospect, they're funny but at first I was like "wtf?" at their seemingly unreasonable hostility. I'm glad I was already into the show and into C/S when I first saw season one otherwise that might have put me off...then aqgain, it was hot and it was Jorja so I would have watched anyway.
Sorry, I'm rambling...shutting up now
Oh, that phone call scene was hilarious. When I saw the same type of CS phone scene in season 6 "time of your death", I was almost laughing so hard. TPTB were recycling Cath/Sara from episode 2!!

Another scene that stands out from episode 2 is where they get the results at the end. Sara says "great job, Catherine". Awwwwww. That's something we don't get to see much anymore - the two girls complimenting each other.
Cath complimented Sara in season 3's Snuff, what a sweet scene that was, only thing disturbing about it was that they were talking about condoms^^

Haven't seen "Time of your death" (stupid german TV) but seems like something to be looking forward to :D
Nah, that episode really sucked. The CS scene was about the only good one in the whole epi.
CATH: "Caprice Unlimited." "Anything is possible." Sounds like a sex business.
(Cath grabs the phone & dials)
SARA: What are you going to say?
CATH: Uh, something other than, "a guy is dead, and it looks like you're involved."
MALE VOICE: (answering machine) You've reached Caprice Unlimited. Leave a message; we shall call you.
CATH: Not taking calls. (she hangs up without leaving a message)
SARA: Let's see if he's making any.
ziggystarduzt said:
^I always had problems with my icons being deleted by the auto-kicker thingie, so I started making them as gif files, because they're smaller and never get deleted. So, saras_gf, just save an icon you want to use as .gif instead of .jpg and you shouldn't have a problem :D

I'm writing some new Cath/Sara fics, YAYness :D
posting this from another board since I wanna find this fic too :)

Fic Search: Hey all, I was wondering if any of you guys could help me find a cath/sara NC-17 fic where catherine comes over to sara's apartment and they lay in bed together fully clothed at first and then cath finds out sara's never been with another woman so cath shows her how. I know my details are very vague but I have been looking for this fic for a long time, so if any of you know which one I'm talking about or if you know one that fits this description I would really appreciate you lettin' me know. Thanks so much!!

I've always remembered one really dirty line where sara is first touching cath and I believe the quote goes like:
Sara: I want to taste you
Cath: That's the sexiest thing I've ever heard.
Cath: Those are the sexiest words I've ever heard.

Thank you for looking!
Sure sounds interesting. I've read lots and lots of fanfic but I haven't come across that one yet (I'm sure I would remember)
If anyone finds it please let us know. And in case that it's nowhere to be found maybe someone feels inspired now to take this as a challenge *hint*
Hey Rykoe, I just read your fic.. it was awesome, I enjoyed lots :) I have a houseguest today, but I'll try and beta it and have it back to you tomorrow.
I love the little sparkles you have throughout the icon!
Also love the fic. Sara working under Cath - now that's a fic that needs continuation!!
okay maybe im imaging things but in the first epp isn't there a scene where Cath and Sara are sitting at the break room table and Sara says something about gum and Cath is like "no thanks I got my own" I dont really know, im kinda new to CSI and I just got the first season on DVD so i will go back and watch it :) :)

on another note, i need somemore C/S fics, anyone know a good website? i know about others?? thanks!!
SarasGirl said:
okay maybe im imaging things but in the first epp isn't there a scene where Cath and Sara are sitting at the break room table and Sara says something about gum and Cath is like "no thanks I got my own"
Yeah, that was at the end of the second episode (the first one that Sara's in) where they were waiting for Greg to finish the DNA results. Sara asked Cath if she wanted a Nicorette gum (stop smoking). Cath said "no thanks", and stuck out her gum saying she already had her own. (they were both trying to stop smoking together, how cute!)

ETA: Sarasgirl - have you tried passion & perfection?
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