Cath/Sara Slash #8: Strippers Down The Hall

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Welcome MiaCharlize :D Grab yourself a seat.. the empty buckets are in the corner.. no these are not for drooling, these are for uhm.. well let's say, some people do get seasick and since we are on a cruiseship.. :rolleyes:

Heh.. good thinking there Zigster.. we might just do that! :)
Don't worry, I got a strong stomach ;) And the fresh sea breeze prevents any kind of sickness... as for the drooling though, that's like a common desease around here or is it?
Getting off topic here...sorry
welcome Mia ,

just reading your "things don't always turn out that way.." fic at fanfic_net, ...and now you're here!! :lol:
Ooh, look at that!!

Sara is so checking Cath out here!!
And something tells me Catherine isn't looking at the book she's holding either.. :devil:
HA! That pic has so many cap possibilities. :devil:

None of the ones that come to mind are PG-13 enough for this board! :mad:
Lizzy_004 said:
Cath: "no listen, it says here.. first get rid of all your clothes, then place your hand upon your knee, lift it and put your leg onto your lover's shoulder.. try and turn, so it hugs her neck.."
Sara: "I'm tellin' you Cath, that is impossible.. your shoulders are too high-up, and I'm no Flexi-Lexi.. oh and for a fact, what shampoo do you use? You've got lice!"
Hey there!!
I've been lurking around for some days now and i've decided it was high time to register and enjoy the cruise with ya ^^
So here i am... and my first post goes for our fave girls' topic ;)

Oh and btw Jayne => I really love your cap on that last pic. It got me laughing out loud for quite some time...
2 newbies and it's still quiet, what's wrong with that picture? :confused: I'm!
How about a discussion, more captions, anything?
Due to a recent crash of my harddrive I don't have any pictures to post, otherwise I'd do so... I'll go back to writing now but I really need some inspiration, so please, anyone come up with something fun :(
Hey, Mia :) It's often really boring and quiet in the summer, cause we have no new scenes to squee about :( How about.. hmm.. discussion topics... maybe.. what's the first moment you saw that made you realise the sexiness goin' on between the two lovely ladies???

PS: Fantastic Janis quote :D
Yeah well,'s so hot over here, I'm not even in the mood to get up as it requires too much energy (that's why I'm spending the majority of my time on the coputer)

Anyways...first moment? That's difficult, it's been a while...
The first episode I've ever seen was The Hunger Artist, I remember being very fascinated not only with the case but also with the intensity those ladies were putting into their work. There wasn't much CS interaction though as far as I remember...
Next thing came that terrible Hank storyline, yet there's always been potential, Snuff for example. I think I was really seeing those first sparks in that little scene in High and Low, when Sara asked Catherine for help, I mean that smile was just OBVIOUS ;)
Anyways...then came Crash and Burn and there were just no more questions :D
After that I've seen the first seasons though and I've got to say, the sparks have been there since their very first scene. What's there to misinterpret about "Two sharp women" :devil:
Wonderful kaylyne :D

HAPPY BIRD-DAY ZIGGY.. get your arse to my LJ, there's a present for you there :D

I dunno who asked but the names we previously came up with for Sara's Tom and Bob were:

- Perky & Puffy (by LadySaraButterfly)
- Jack & Jill (by Maaike)
- Pinky & Perky
- Heaven & Bliss
- Peaches & Cream (all three above by Fogi)
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