Cath/Sara Slash #8: Strippers Down The Hall

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Thanks bview! It's true. Even if there was no chemistry though? Just looking at those two beauties is fun XD

Jayne, your new av RULES.
forensicsgirl said:
Psst… ALL Posters, Please Read Me ------> Click
Aye-aye skipper fogi. Understood. Roger, copied and pasted into memory.. short-term though. And as to keep to the rules to make this not a spammy post :p :


:rolleyes: Where is Sara's hand reaching for?? :confused: Gawd, I wish I was that hand.. :devil:
Oh how I LOVE that scene. I normally don't like the girls fighting, but this scene was an exception. Cath was just in "lindsey mode" and Sara was trying to get through to her.
Honestly they weren't fighting in that scene (and pssst, between you and me, they weren't really standing that close together either).. they were playing pretend so that they could tell their colleagues..

Cath: "Ehm.. Nicky, Greg, Hodges, Ecklie, Doc, Warrick, Jim, Gil and all the rest of ye.. Sara and I need to talk this through!" *drags Sara by her hair to the broomcloset*
Sara: "So they call it 'talking' nowadays eh?"
Cath: "You turn me on when you're all yelling at me and pretending you know stuff better.. because honestly, you don't!"
Sara: :eek: "I'll show you what I know!!"

Well, and really I'd love to continue, but I know fogi is sitting on my shoulder.. she's like a pretty little innocent angel keeping an eye on me (and my writings), but now I can feel the heat steaming off her evil pitchfork..

And thanks Zigster, I'm still working on the meter :devil:
Well they were fighting in the beginning.. as yes, one of my fave eppies it actually is.. but then when they decided to make up.. it went like this:

Hmmm, it does look like Sara can see the wall coming her way :rolleyes: :lol:


Come on, kiss the girl!
LOL! That's so cute! I also like the part right before that when Sara is pulling Cath out of the room. (looking for a little "alone" time, maybe? "stay away from the pink haired girl!!)
Uuuuuups, spreekt u wat langzamer alstublieft. ;)
(yeah, my first Dutch!)

...artistically speaking, if you turn the picture 45 it will look like Cath plunging at Sara. (Though it would also look like Sara protecting herself - hm, stupid girl! Cath could fall at/on/for me any time..... *whistle*) :eek:
*rotflmao* You guys are SO twisted. I loves me it. Did you make the push/pull pic, Jayney? It be very sexy.

*raises hand* Rykoe? What does that mean? I wish I spoke Dutch. *pouty face*
:lol: Rykö.. too funny :lol:

and Zigster, the Dutch says: "could you speak a bit slower, please?" :D And yup I made it in one of my "arghh, I couldn't care less that it is such an obvious manip" moods :rolleyes:
Ahhh. Very cool. I could guess that 'spreekt' means speak. I'm clever like that. ;)

The one that's not animated is really not obviously a manip at all. I totally thought it was a real clip at first and I was like "Woah, SERIOUSLY people! Can you NOT SEE THAT?!" heh heh.
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