Cath/Sara Slash #8: Strippers Down The Hall

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Does anybody remember the name of a really smutty fic where Catherine phones sara and tells her she wants her, and then cath goes over to sara's apartment, and finds out sara has never been with a woman before so she takes sara into her bedroom and "teaches" her wonderful things? lol. I can't remember the name or where to find it but I've been looking for it forever, so if anyone can help me out that would be great, thanks!!
kc_from_kc said:
Does anybody remember the name of a really smutty fic where Catherine phones sara and tells her she wants her, and then cath goes over to sara's apartment, and finds out sara has never been with a woman before so she takes sara into her bedroom and "teaches" her wonderful things? lol. I can't remember the name or where to find it but I've been looking for it forever, so if anyone can help me out that would be great, thanks!!
Hmmm.. it sounds so familiar.. but I can't figure out which one it was, or by whom it was written.. when I come across it, I'll let you know :)

ziggystarduzt said:
Speaking of manips, I made one over at my LJ. It's bizarre. Very bizarre, I warn you. But funny! and Sexy!

Zigster! I DEMAND you to manip me into it, instead of Grissom :devil: Well, actually you already suggest doing it.. sooo.. off you go ;)
Zigster! I DEMAND you to manip me into it, instead of Grissom Well, actually you already suggest doing it.. sooo.. off you go
Sounds good, babe :D What pic do you want me to use?

I really love the manip on your LJ, Dayna! It's funny
Dankeshein!!! I have a very odd sense of humour, and a very mad obsession with photoshop. I totally love your banner, btw. Jorja is teh sex.
Thanks! She really is! :). How I just love her! :D I like your sense of humour :lol: I'm not that good at making manips, but I'll try to make one, once.
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