Gals remember this spoiler from
TV Guide "Marg says the two-part season-premiere "extravaganza" deals with a crime backstage at a Cirque du Soleil show, and "something very significant happens to my character involving me being in jeopardy and my family being in jeopardy. It starts off with George and I at a watering hole after that crime, and somebody slipping something in my beverage without me being aware of it." So the rough draft of the script said that after the incident, Cath wakes up in a motel and she suspects she got raped. Guess who she called first?!?!?!?!?! Sara!!! Cath asked Sara to process some evidence she got herself and asked to keep it between them. Sara says, "I'll do it for you." I like that line i hope they wont edit it out.. or the whole scene for that matter. :lol: