Cath/Sara Slash #8: Strippers Down The Hall

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Hey ladies! Or guys, if there are guys here. Hello all! There, that works. Anyhoo, I'm new here in this thread. Not new to shipping it, I've shipped it for a few months. Jeez now I'm rambling... :lol:

Great pics, Ann! :D
Thankies guys :D I find all these pics browsing through PureJorja.Net :p

Jenna, you're a CS shipper!? *tackle huggles* :D Welcome, welcome! I did go to your profile and see that you had a yummy little CS fic in your faves list... ;) Hehe, yes I did check that one out, oh yes I did :p
*giggles* Yep I am. Glad to see I'm welcome. Ah yes, I'm rather fond of the 2 stories in my faves list. They always cheer me up when I'm down, which is right about now. :D

I was looking for Cath/Sara fanart on google and... ahem something else came up. Since this is a school computer I'll probably get in huge trouble later, oops. Just thought I'd share that somehow my ships always get me in trouble. :p
Oh Ann, I so love the last picture. Touchy-touchy! Simply_Sara (Michelle) and I have been talking about that pic for ages. It's so stunning. Marg looks like she wants to be kissed by Jorja. Welcome, Jenna! :)

And ziggy, the spoiler makes me optimist again!
*pops in from real life* I heard that ziggy :p ;)

I'm lurking here at the moment. Welcome Jenna *huggles* well, I knew you were a shipper anyway :p


Cath: "you want me to bend over like this?"
Sara: "yeah.. well, remember last time, you're lipstick was all over the bumper.. see here, there's still some left"
Cath: "Right.. might wanna get that smudge off before returning the car to its owner"
Oh, Jaynie, I love that story. :) Well, how can I call it? Yeah, story is a good idea. Me has one too;


Cath: "Sara? Your labcoat is open."
Sara: "Yeah, I know."
Cath: *points at Sara* "You aren't wearing a shirt. Just a bra."
Sara: "Uh, Yeah, I know." *winks*

- credit for the image goes to Beyond Imagination. Is this PG-13, btw?
:lol: Hilarious great stories!!

I have absolutely nothing to contribute except my unbridled enthusiasm and the hope that someone (more imaginative than me) will continue these picture stories!
Cute, nice observation, jenakapt*. And great captions , Jayne and Roos. Glad to see more life in here. Wish I could contribute something myself but my head is mush...

* ps: Love your banner and avi :)
I posted a new fic on, it's all CathSara :) It's called Hustle and Flow. It didn't show up on the site yet, so I'm linking you all to my profile there. Since you are all CSI fans I'm sure you can investigate a little and find the fic by yourselves ;)

Crime Scene
ziggystarduzt said:
Thanks, Maaike, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you have a fantastic day! :D

thanks! I did have a great day. Had a lot of fun with my friends.
Today I'm ill, but that's not so bad, I get to write more on my new fic ;)
Hey guys. Just thought I'd pop in and remind everyone of some of the rules.

- Posts within Shipper Central must now contain a MINIMUM of 3 Lines of Good posting.

- Good posting is ON TOPIC, Discursive and not chatty.

- Good posting is NOT: Complimenting someone on their artwork, fanfiction, avatar/banner, discussing thread names, conversation about Real Life, etc.

- Remarks regarding artwork, fanfiction, discussion of thread names, etc, and brief allusions to Real Life MAY be included in posts, but ONLY in ADDITION of the 3-Line Minimum of Good Posting.

Please keep this in mind when posting. :)
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