Cath/Sara Slash #8: Strippers Down The Hall

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Oh joy, I thought the thread had died :p
It's been a while since I've watched that ep, but I remember the looks from the diner scene, and wasn't it just a very cute gesture of Cath to put that glass right in front of Sara, signalling Hank to stay the hell away from her girl if he doesn't want his own finger to be the next... am I interpreting too much into that? ;)

Well, the last ep I've seen was the repeat of "Butterflied" from S4. Didn't like the ep much as the whole GSR thing is so annoying and irritating (I don't mean to bash that ship, I just don't understand it). Moreover I think that girl didn't look like Sara at all -except for maybe the color of her hair. Anyway, it did have a sweet CS moment in the locker, with Cath looking really concerned about Sara, even if she didn't say so. Still she has this eye-thing going on. Not just in that ep though, they do it all the time, exchanging those intense glances, they make me smile every time :)
Sorry, I'm rambling, I'm just excited that there's finally life again in here ;)
It's funny when Cath put the finger in front of Sara, it was Hank that was grossed out, not Sara. Hank was an EMT who should be used to seeing disgusting things. I loved the scene where Sara walks out of the diner with the finger in the glass to try and figure out what Cath was up to.
I'm continueing my CSI marathon and will keep you all posted on cool Cath/Sara moments. But if you really look well, they are ogling each other almost every episode! During the team meetings or when they are standing at Greg's desk waiting for results.
Ooh, I loved 'The Finger'. :) Catherine doesn't say anything to Sara, nor to Hank. That's what makes the episode great. :) And uhm *struggling to make it to the 3 lines*, Sara and Catherine do have some chemistry. I love the chemistry between them. I'll have my own marathon, sunday. I'll invite some friends, and let the C/S investigation begin! :) I think I'll start the marathon with 'Cool Change', their very first episode together. It was aired here last sunday, but I missed it. Have it on DVD, though.
Yes, they do that all the time. Over on the Warrick/Catherine thread they call it eye-sex (probably elsewhere too but that's where I think I read that term the 1st time)
Anyway, it's just nice to look out for those little moments. I also love the smirks they give each other whenever they're alone together, like in "High and Low when Sara asks for Catherines help, or in "Blood Lust" when Cath tells her about Lindsays birthday party.
Thanks to Erica's wonderful caps (she just put up Snuff caps!) There's lots of Thong love in the episode. I thought this one was so cute:
Oh yes...I loved that ep, so much cuteness... and the ladies were actually nice to each other, You gotta love their work dynamic in that. And that pic is just so cute, girls in jumpsuits... harrr :devil: that'll provide some nice dreams for me tonight (I hope) hehe
Owh I luv ya, kaylyne! I loved Snuff, they're sooo cute in that episode. :) Thanks for posting them. I hope there's going to be a lot of thong-interaction in season seven, but probably not. :) The writers.. bleh.
Is Snuff from season 3? I kind of can't remember what season it's from. Soon I'll be continueing my CSI-Marathon, my marathon mate is not here at the moment hehe. I'm really curious about season 7, maybe the writers can make Cath and Sara a little closer, they seem to be past the whole arch enemy thing (at least, in my opinion)
Yes, Snuff is from Season 3, eppy 8, I believe. I so love that episode. Especially when they're looking at the roll of film together and Catherine explains Sara all the ins and outs of the porn industry.. that look on Sara's face haha.


I think Sara is looking at their film here, whether everything has been cut out of their own private Cath/Sara investigation, before they give it to Grissom. Dirty girls, they are :p
This has gone dead so I thought I'd liven it up with a few more pics.......... I don't see how anyone can dispute this gorgeous couple as the evidence is in the body language!
Exhibit A "The look of love"
Exhibit B "The exasperation of Catherine when Greg interrupts a heavy make out session"

I think it's quite clear really :lol:
Wow. The manip is so... stunning! :) The thread is kind of dead, let's keep it up! Sara and Catherine must come together, and let the manip come true!
Oh my GOSH, that's a gorgeous manip! I love it! You are so impressive! :D You're right, Roos, the thread isn't doing so well these days. Come one guys, we've gotta keep things up!
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