Cath/Sara Slash #8: Strippers Down The Hall

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So sorry I've been away forever but like Jayne said, real life has really taken over. :( Maybe by the time the new season starts I can be here more often again.

Thanks to everyone who's keeping the lady's love going. I do so miss that wacky story of ours and I know that many a people were entertained by it.

Here's a Cath UTT photo. Looks like Sara is playing hide and seek..or something. :devil:

Jango - love that pic. And they're in Daddy's office too!
Mia - it looks like she was trying to destroy the evidence before anyone else discovered it, but got busted in the act.
Mia, I loooove the pic! :) Weird to say it, but she looks so much like Maura Tierney, in that pic.

Jango, gotta love the pic and the eppi.
Good to see you hop in here Jango!! :D

Alright, I think we need to get a discussion going.. this thread is kinda dying I think. Does anyone have an idea? I'll be thinking of it and come back later if it pops into my mind (I said if.. not when :p)..

*still waiting for Maaike's scary approach to talk me into posting a storyline* ;)
How about a "who's got the better a**"? That would probably go on forever ;)
(Ok, yes, I only mention this because I want to see the (visual) arguments I know you all would be posting :devil:)
Guys, I'm looking for someone to help me. I need Cath/Sara banners made for a special theme, does anyone have the time to help out? *puppy eyes*
If you want to help, please PM me, then I'll tell you what it is about :)
Hmm interesting topic Mia :devil: I go with Cath's.. and I actually had a good visual example to give you for my argument, but I 'cleaned' my computer last week and threw away the picture.. maybe I have it somewhere in my photobucket, will look later.

And Maaike, I wished I had the time to help you out; I love making banners and stuff like that.
I hope not Jayne. :eek: :eek: Maybe it's a combination of summer (here in the states anyway. Isn't it winter in Australia right now?) real life, and no new episodes for the moment. :(

I actually did start to go back through the old threads and save the picture story. Now that I'm up and running again I need to finish it.

Now that they've decided to make Lindsey older and apparently she's still very rebellious, I'd like to see Sara step in and offer friendship to her. It would certainly shock Cath and may even open up Sara more about her past as well. :)
Hmm, I'm going for Sara's a**, lol. :) I just love everything about her. And uhm, yes. Sara trying to be friends with Linds would be really cool. :D
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I watched 'The Finger' (season 2) today and it amazed me how many Cath/Sara moments are in there! I'm so glad I'm doing this CSI marathon because I missed on 'their moments' in so many episodes! Man, they are cute together.
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