Cath/Sara Slash #8: Strippers Down The Hall

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Yep, that's in Cool Change. Sara offers Catherine a piece of Nicorette chewing gum. :)

and uhm, I'll continue the fic then. The next chappie's up in 20 mins, I promise. :)
thanks Mia is there anyway I can veiw it with out an account? Im guessing thats a no but I thought I would ask....thanks!

Kylyne yeah thats why I asked i think that scene is really cute, i thought i was something like niccortte but i wasn't sure. And yeah I have checked out Passion and Perfection...great site :)
wow it´s really been a looooong time since I was here :eek:
I´ve got a lot of catching up to do!

my fave moment is the scene in butterlied where sara just took a peek at the girl on the slab and is looking for Grissom but finds Cath in the locker room instead.
I can´t remember exactly what is said but when you watch cath´s face you can see that she´s concerned but she´s trying not to show Sara.
I want her to get up and just hold her everytime I see that.
I mean.. I even wanted to hug my TV when I saw how upset Sara looked. :p
I wasn't in the group.. I'll go join up! Yay.

I'm back from my 2 day canoe trip now. As fun as it was, having no internet was like. Painful.
I totally know what you mean, I'm getting Sara withdrawls anytime I'm away from home...does that make me addicted?

BTW...just finished another chapter of my story in case anyone is interested in it :) It's been four days since the last one, I'm just so lazy... :rolleyes:
Hey, I've been reading through the olde CS-threads and I've been wondering whether anyone else is missing the photostory? There was certainly a lot mpre fun and action going on there in the "old days"
Isn't anyone else bored because of the long summer break?
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