Cath/Sara Slash #8: Strippers Down The Hall

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Yikes, the thongs have gone to sleep again...

Thanks to the wonderful caps provided by the wonderful omaetoy over at purejorja, I played about and came up with a couple of banners & avis of our beautiful girls :)




Hey y'all.. I just put an icon update on my lj. There's only like, 3 Thongs ones this time cause I haven't replenished my supply of icon-worthy screencaps recently. But I figured you'd still like to see them :D
Woah everyone here is so good at making avvies and stuff, no fair *pouts*. Ziggy, I must say the best one there is the pig commands me, I love IZ!

Oh and also Ann do you know where the sHackleS thread got to it is not here anymore and that is not good.
^ YAY! Thanks a million, IZ is my hero. *cuddles Gir* I have a Gir tshirt that makes me happy.

And I would be HAPPY to help you out with stuff if you have photo-shop related questions. I'm just learning, but it's so much fun! :D
ziggystarduzt said:
^ YAY! Thanks a million, IZ is my hero. *cuddles Gir* I have a Gir tshirt that makes me happy.

And I would be HAPPY to help you out with stuff if you have photo-shop related questions. I'm just learning, but it's so much fun! :D

*steals Gir back* I want a Gir T-shirt. well I have one but I made it myself with a design I made off photoshop so naturally it stinks.

My friend promises to teach me to use Photoshop someday but I also have issues with patience. I am like, "there should be a button you can just press to make that go away" :lol:

When I go up to my mountain house I have no internet and no tv so when my friends up there are in school I have nothing to do. Then I can do well on photoshop because I don't have nything else to do. Well computer pinball I play that a lot too.
Yay everyone should write lots of fanfiction for me to read *dances* this is called not Doing Your Summer Reading By Reading Fanfiction and Anita Blake Books.
*steals Gir back* I want a Gir T-shirt. well I have one but I made it myself with a design I made off photoshop so naturally it stinks.
Mine is blue and has Gir dancing and says "So sexy it huuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrts". I loves it so.

My friend promises to teach me to use Photoshop someday but I also have issues with patience. I am like, "there should be a button you can just press to make that go away"
lol! A MAGIC button! YES!

Recommend me some fics! Yes! yes! yay.
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