Cath/Sara Slash #8: Strippers Down The Hall

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hello great mind(s)!
we could establish a ease the ejection of our great thoughts -
but no, I have to post posts by myself, only ten to go...
btw, the Dutch team already in the last sixteen ??? or more fights?

and any news on a C/S-M/J what-a-pair-video clip? :cool:

edit: oi, found Emmerich on the map and it's really ... eh ... small. I'm sure, you'll rock that area, Jayne !!! :D
But dude! I really need those glasses, can´t you make a perfect replica for me or something??? *puppy face*

ummm I can try, I will have a lot of time because my parents are only allowing me 1 hr a day of computer and TV (one hr total not one of each) and all my friends are out of town or live up in the mtns :mad:.

I am copy and pasting stories from to microsoft word so I can read them in my room without the parents knowing so get writing because ther are only so many good stories on that site, most of them are stupid pointless cr*ap.
okay, English help needed....
in the "what-a-pair" - booklet it says (I think so, cause the quality is not that good):
"Jorja Fox wishes to thank the What A Pair gang for letting her be a part of something so very cool. And Marg Helgenberger for constantly thinking of ways to trip the light and music."
I actually hope that's what is says.
So question: what stands "trip light and music" for? Don't have clue..... *begs for clarification* :) :) :)
*stands in queue with Rykö for clarification* :p And you consider Emmerich small.. the place I'm going to teach is almost non-existent then :lol:

Arghh, I should really start posting pics here again.. maybe tomorrow I will..
I don't know if this is what you were talking about but when I read it I thought it said "trip the light fantastic" which is a very indirect way of saying to dance!

Does this help in any way?
Wow, Jenakapt , that really helped. Cause of the illegibility of the booklet it could easily mean "fantastic" instead of "and music"... Thank you! :)

And Jayne , how many pupils are you gonna have? Two? :D
^ 800 that's tiny! Each class has about 450 here and there are four classes so that would be *math brain stopped working last thursday* 1800 people. What grades do you teach?
oh boy, I´m away for 2 days and I´m missing out on the whole conversation. I´m a teacher too!!! I teach Dutch to little Spanish kids that have a Dutch father or mother :D
Hello slash fans, this is wrecking my head can anyone remember where this pic is from here
Work fries my brain :lol: and I can't remember
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