Cath/Sara Slash #8: Strippers Down The Hall

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heh.. that'll be the story which got started in thread #4 I think it was that LadyS and I continued with some others.. that whole S/C story with the pics and such..

.. but I really hate to say that atm I just don't have the time to continue.. 1) the fact I'm drunk.. 2) I should be working on my thesis and 3) I'm at my mum's laptop so I can't download pics.. :(
Here's some more pics from And Then There Were None :p


Cath is enjoying the view from afar and...


OOPS! Busted! :p :lol:
Welcome Lique.. ohhh wow.. first Swedian!! :D Make yourself comfy on this cruiseship that cruises to Ireland.. or we might already be there actually.. :rolleyes: Help yourself to Martini, Guinness, and free thongs and happy shipping!! :)
hahaha am I really the first Swedian? *proud*
Thanks for the big welcome JayneEmilysRealm! :D
I think I´m gonna enjoy myself here :) are those thongs... :devil:
^yup you're the first Swedian (gawd, I hope.. I should know this.. otherwise, sorry other Swedian :lol:)

Those thongs?? We ran out?? OMG! Now, you might want to track down Cath and Sara, last seen in the Captain's cabin.. (notice the fact that I'm 'Captain' :devil:) they may have taken them with them.. I bet they're trying them on while we speak.. ohhh nice thoughts entering my guttered mind now.. :devil:
I bet you´re hiding them somewhere JayneEmilysRealm! :lol:
oooh ;) well I also bet you aren´t the only one with those nice thoughts :D
Call me Jayne.. the bit behind it is just extra bagage.. for me :lol: But :eek: so that's the reputation I have here eh?? nahh, I'm innocent and cute, ask anyone who's seen me :)
Alright, Jayne it is :)
haha nah I don´t know anything about a reputation(haven´t been here that long), not yet anyway ;)
and I gotta say, love the paperbag friend you have :lol:

Maybe it´s a newbie question but, why do we have thongs for Cath and Sara?
Don´t get me wrong, I´d love to see them in thongs :devil:
though I've never seen Jayne , I just know she's cute. About the "innocent"-thingie....I'm not so sure about that.

sorry guys for not hanging around here more often: life always gets in the/my way. but C/S are with me all the time, right now I'm conspiring 2 more vids and even a fic - I'll probably finish them when requesting my retirement pay - who knows.
welcome to all the "newbies" here!!! Thongs forever!!! :D
Woohoo!! Rykoe your making another video!! Ah how I love them, they're so funny!

Yea Jayne innocent and cute........ and I'm Kate Moss!
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