Cath & Nicky #4: Since You're Already Dirty - CatNip

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Thanks Squishy and I agree, Kels I love your icon.

and I'm happy for us too! hehe. Nice season opener, we're getting. I hope we get promo pics from it, too.

Nice to see you back, Moriel! :D

I agree, I think the writers are catnippers and their finally seeing how great these two are together, thats why we're getting the dance scenes. Ooh you've seen the lyrics for the song? Does it seem fast/slow beat?
Thank you :)

I really hope we do get a promo showing our spoiler, we'll definately be going crazy over that. Is it only 3 weeks to the new season?

Welcome back Moriel you've been missed.

Lynn, let's hope that's right and we finally get some really great CatNip scenes, at least we know we're definately getting on, but we want so much more than that. I've only been able to hear one of the songs mentioned, have no idea what the other one sounds like.
3 or 2 one, not really sure. I just know I can't wait!

We're gonna rock, this season, right outta this world. :devil:

Since their starting the season with our spoiler. Its gotta mean something. and you know they can't give us that and not give us anything the rest of the season. I'd also like to see the ransom brought up
Hiya my Lynny & Kels I missed y'all too! **hugs!** :D Kels dunno if I said so, but I love the new avie...Marg being it! :D
Our premiere's 3 weeks from like 25 or so days...I SOOOO cannot wait!!!
We are gonna rock this season, I love it! :lol:

yeah I saw the words, you can look them up's almost kind of a sad song it seems, but still good! And the tone felt I'm totally thinking a hot slow dance :devil:...wohoo...close dancing, holding onto eachother tightly, swaying to the can't wait :D!!!!
We're so gonna rock this Season, we better or there'll be trouble.

They have to give us more, you don't give someone CatNip dancing, being all hot together, then give us nothing. I'd still like to see the ransom being brought up too. I should look up those lyrics, but we don't know what song we're getting, I think it'll only be one of the two.

3 weeks to go, yay, I'm really excited. :D

Thanks Moriel *hugs*
3 Weeks, I'm so happy! *huggles Moriel and Kels*

I think I'll have to write a fic tonight to celebrate. More of my fics got approved on :D

Its going to be a great season. They can't just start us off with that and leave us hanging on what the heck their doing. Post both lyrics dude. I wanna hear this song. Knowing John Mayer's music,its a little mix of both, so hopefully the one we get is CatNip close together and hottness. We know their going to flirt.
Lol, group hug Lynny & Kels!! :lol:

Yeah Lynn more ficcies are always a good idea! :D

As for lyrics...let's do this...since I don't want to spoil anyone who doesn't want to be (look at me be nice! ;) ) I'll post links to lyrics for both songs... :D ya go...:

Okay so, I re-read both sets of lyrics and I'm not such a fan of either song...sadly! I mean of the two I think I'd like the first song better SDIABR...but the lyrics sound so sad! I would love it though if Catnip danced to the first one and joked about how the song does not fit them at all...then I would LOVE it! Otherwise it's sad! So two cents!
Lynn I hope you are writing a fic, I want to read. :D

Thanks for the lyrics Moriel .

They're definately going to be flirting no matter what song we get. I can't wait to see it, I really think they're going to be dancing close to each other.

I can't beleive it's only another 3 weeks to go. :D
Hiya Kels! I just gotta say...Cath is so gorgeous in your avie...I LOVE her hair...and her son is such a totally cute kid! I think I've got a thing for red hair! :lol:'re welcome for the lyrics...they seem a little sad huh...but yeah...
yeah Kels I agree...I think we'll definitely get flirting no matter what song we get! It is Catnip after all, they king and queen of flirting no matter what the occasion! :D And as for the close dancing, yeah I'm thinking we'll get some close dancing too...after all the songs are John Mayer, and his songs are really good for close dancing! I really want close dancing! :devil: So here's hoping! ;) Yay for that!!

I know huh, only 3 weeks...of course then again, it feels like it has been part of me is ecstatic it's so soon...and the other part is saying "It's about freaking time!" :lol: :lol: :lol:

Where's our angsty Lynny?
I agree Moriel, she looks amazing, and her son looks so much like her. he's a bit older than that now. Don't expect that avi to stay long with my track record for changing it. :lol:

I really don't think it matters what song we get, they'll be flirting, I can't wait to see who asks who to dance.

It feels like it was ages ago we found out about the spoiler, and now we only have 3 weeks, but it's still too long, I want to see it now. :D

Lynn will be around soon.
I think Nick will be the one to ask Cath, just because he's a gentleman like that. And If I know CatNip, like I think I do. We won't have to worry about them not flirting. They'll be flirting no matter what our songs that they play are. CatNip's doing it!

Hello, Moriel did ya miss me??

I agree, I want to see itnow. But, I'm holding on. And rewatching episodes...

I live for fics. I'm writing another sequel to the CatNip/M&M's fic.
o_O i see a lot of known faces here.... I'm sure you won't mind if i find myself a comfortable spot here! :lol:.... I can see i'm not the only one in my rare ships...
Welcome mokis :)

Re-watching CatNip is always a good thing. My first choices are normally Crow's Feet or RIBSC

I listened to both John Mayer songs and I'd say that we're getting Waiting on the World to Change, it's not that much faster than the other one, so I still think they'll be dancing close together.

Lynn what happened to your poll, is it not time for another one?

I'm pleased you're going to continue that fic, I really like what you did so far. ;)
Poll? Did you say poll? Alrighty. You all will get one tomorrow. [insert evil laugh here]

Thanks Kels. I've been working out on figuring out what to do next. I think I might start with them telling the teams.

I love watching Crows Feet and RIBSC. I can watch Bad Words too. Especially since I found that scene! :D
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