Cath & Nicky #4: Since You're Already Dirty - CatNip

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Ah yeah according to The Futon Critic, Built to Kill is the season opener.

Mayer performs his current single, "Waiting on the World to Change," as well as "Slow Dancing in a Burning Room," for Catherine and Nick at a nightclub.
So there. you already know the Cath/Nick song for Season 7. :D
Lol...I'd say I'd leave you alone with Catnip more often, but I don't want to miss out on all the fun! :lol: :lol: **hugs Kels!**
Seeing as how you added the part with whipped cream and Nicky, you can definately read.
Lol, Sweet! So you mean all I have to do to get what I want is cover Nicky in whipped cream? ;) Sweet! :lol: Yay for reading them...wohoo, bring 'em on! :D

Wait so when is our spoiler ep now? Is it the 2nd ep of the season...or the 1st...? I'm confused now :p :lol

"Slow Dancing in a Burning Room"...okay how hot does that song sound! Wow...I so cannot wait for our spoiler! I mean I really couldn't before but after hearing that song title I'm so stoked for this y'all! Wohoo! I'm gonna be dancing for joy when we get our! Dancing...mmmm, Catnip is so gonna be slow and sexy!! I just knows it! Wohoo!
*dances* We get our spoiler. Its gonna be the first eppy. We get our spoiler...what? I'm not crazy..or obsessed...much

Both of those songs completely rock. hehe. They gonna..

Leave me alone. i like that. Anyways, CatNip's gonna be dancing to very hot song, and they gonna be flirting and touching. I agree with moriel, hot & sexy! all the way!.

Thanks, Rissa for telling us the songs.
Moriel Nicky + whipped cream and you can have anything you want. :D

Lynn you are obsessed, but no more than me, and there's nothing wrong with that, is there? :lol:

I'm so excited, first epi is going to be a great start to the season for us.

CatNip dancing is going to be so hot, there's definately going to be flirting, touching, eye sex, i can't wait.
She actually means that, Moriel.

Of course not. We're obsessed with good reason :D

Thats why we're going to RULE this season. We get our spoiler in the first episode.

I'm telling you, this spoiler is really great for us. ;)
I really do mean it. :D

It's a good obsession though.

I beleive that if we're getting a spoiler like that in the Season Premier, we're going to have a really great season. No way they can give us that and not give us anything else.

I have a really good feeling about this season. We're going to get lots of Nicky's, Cat's, ass checks, arm porn, eye sex, phone sex. I'm not asking for too much right? :rolleyes:

That spoiler is great for us, I can see that scene being one of my favourites.
Our spoiler is in the first eppy? YAY!!! For some reason I thought we had to wait...Yay, Yay, Yay!! Now I'm totally Stoked! ( it bad that that sends me to the! :lol: I'm hopeless! :devil: )

Yeah I can't wait to hear the stuff for sure...yummy! :devil:

There is nothing wrong with being obsessed, I think it's healthy and fabulous! ;) Okay maybe not healthy, but it's so dang who cares! :lol: :lol:

I really do mean it.
Sweet deal! I can't blame you for not being able to resist such a wonderful bribe... :devil: :D
That spoiler is great for us, I can see that scene being one of my favourites.
Lol, yeah...if it turns out to be even half as good as I am imagining it will will freaking rock! I totally see it being on of my favs! :D
The spoilers gonna have one of my favorite scenes. Where I jump up and down and says la la la la.

I agree Kels. I have that feeling too. Its gonna be a good season. :D

I know. They can't give us a spoiler like that and leave us hanging for the rest of the season!
They better not leave us hanging for the rest of the season Lynn! They would have several very pissy shippers on their hands if they did that! :mad: That said, I refuse to worry about it! ;) I agree this is going to be a great season, I have every faith (call it denial or whatever :D ) we are gonna be proven right! Heck I say they're married and it's gonna come out this season...just like we've been saying all along! So sweet deal for that, I cannot wait for this new season...especially the first ep! It's gonna rock!!! :lol:
We don't have long to wait now, I'm getting more excited the closer it gets (Why do I always make the simplest things sound dirty) :devil:

They wouldn't dare not give us anything else.

Any of the guys could have been there with Catherine, but no it was Nick, that's not just a coincidence, they want to drop even more hints that they're together.

If they're married we'll be the happiest shippers. :D
If their married. I know I'm def gonna be a happy shipper. :D

I think thats their way of dropping more hints that Cath and Nicky are together.

They better give us more stuff this season or I'm gonna be pissed off.

I can't believe we're getting our spoiler sooner then later.
I won't mind if they've done it in secret but would have liked to have seen it.

I want what we got in Seasons 1-5, not another Season like 6. Our spoiler is up there with Crow's Feet and RISBC and we still got loads of other great scenes in those seasons.

I know it's only a week earlier, but I'm pleased it's the season premier, what a way to start the season for us. :D
Maybe we'll get to see tapes to it or maybe they'll have us one after they reveal it. :D

Yeah, our spoiler is up there with the great eps, but still we want our couple from seasons 1-5 the good times when they had loads of scenes.

Its a very great way to start the season ;)
awes, cws i love your avi. marg in mom mode.

yeah, you guys get a great bit for the season opener. i'm happy for you.

and i totally agree, let's go back to say s1-s4 1/2.
Yeah I agree it is a fabulous way to start the season! I mean poor Cath, cuz she starts the season with a tough time...but heck we get some good Catnip so I am so not complaining! :D

And yeah she could have been out with any of the guys...although now that I think about it...they really did pave the way for Catnip to be together....Warrick's he's out, Griss is clearly with Sara so that's a no go and no offense to Greg (I like him, I do) but he and Cath aren't clearly the writers are Catnippers, cuz they made it so there is no competition and so they are clearly together! WOHOO!!! And I cannot wait to see them dance to that new John Mayer song, I looked up the words...I think it'll be a good song :D!
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