Cath & Nicky #4: Since You're Already Dirty - CatNip

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That definately has to at least be a suggestion for the next thread title. :lol:

I love that clip from Lynn's avi :D

You better be careful Moriel, Cath really will kick your ass, and it hurts, me and Lynn have already found that out the hard way. Nick's definately worth it though. :devil:

CatNip and stawberries definately mean the gutter, along with anything else. Lynn remember that hot fic that Amy wrote involving, Cath, Nick and Strawberries. :devil: Now that is what they're meant to do with them.
Thanks Moriel -- Kel's made it from the ET interview that M/G did.

It'd be easier if I knew which pairing I wanted.. We already know, obviously CatNip.. but Kibbs or Tate is so undecided. I can't even decide for my CSI/NCIS fic.

Its def an option, Moriel, I think that, and the "She's Got You", "Shall We Dance" and "I'll Fetch For You" is options for us.

Stalkers winning in the poll. haha.

CatNip is Never Ending Love -- All of my ships seem to have that here lately. :D

Oh yeah, forgot about Ames fic. That's something CatNip should really do with thato ne.
You've still not decided for that fic yet? :rolleyes:

For a cross-over I'd say Tate, and only because from watching NCIS I'm leaning more towards that ship.

I like those options, I've got a few smutty ones in mind :devil:

Stalker is a really great episode, if it wins the poll, I'm scared to see what epi you'll put it up against. :D
You know that when our spoiler happens, even if bad stuff happens. we're not gonna be shutting up about our moment. *sits patiently* I can't wait!

Nope. I can't decide on the fic. I know Tony's gonna flirt with Cath, and Nicky gets really pissed. I have that planned. I can see that happening in the crossover too.

Wouldn't put it passed you to have smutty ideas.

Aww Kels, I'm not sure what to use.. maybe Friends & Lovers.
We won't be able to shut up, and we'll be able to come up with reasons for anything else that happens. I'm excited too, I really cant wait. :D

Tony flirting with Cath, that I'd like to see, they'd be cute flirting. Nick's gonna be jealous, but he should know that Cath wouldn't do anything. ;)

You can always rely on me for the smutty ideas. :devil:

I like Friends & Lovers we get eye sex and tongue porn in that one. And I like that scene where she hits him with the folder. :lol:
I think our spoiler is gonna prove something for us. I really do. "Their on a date!" will be what I scream mostly. During the whole episode really.

I know she wouldn't do anything, but I like making Nicky think she will. Hot smex happens!

That's very true. You are the smutty catnipqueen.

That it does, my friend, that we do. :D ... :lol: That is a funny scene. I love their moments... or I could put it against Grave Danger.
Is that all I'm going to hear over MSN? :lol: I think it's going to prove something too - they're doing IT. :devil:

I want to see jealous Nicky, and the smex will definately be hot. :D

:lol: Makes a change from being called a tease.

No, no, no not Grave Danger, not yet, Catherine worried sick about Nick, going to Sam for the ransom money, standing up to Grissom because of Nick, the hand holding, do I need to give any more reasons. :p
Yeah you probably will. :D and yes their doing IT :devil:

We didn't have any scenes in Crash & Burn did we?

I've heard thousands of Jealous!Cath ness, which I'm giving her own jealous moments with Kate. .. *smirks* I think I will go Tate in the fic. but for the ep, Kibbs. :D

You're that too. Especially with your CatNip fics. Speaking of which, how's that one?

Why not. Both hurt Nick episodes going up against each other. It'll be a tough choice/ride. I think I'd go with GD though. Because she hold his hand. She takes off her glove to hold his hand.
We don't get any scenes in Crash and Burn

Ooh jealous Cath could probably be vicious. :lol:

Hurry up and write that fic. :p

You'll always still call me that. I've not added anything to what you've already read, hoping to finish it tomorrow, or at least add to it.

As much as I love Stalker, GD does it for me, even just for that last scene alone, especially the way she takes her glove off to hold his hand.
Noticing that. But I like Cath's hair though, and Nicky looks hot.

I'm gonna write em later. :D

But I like the idea of C/N locked in a hotel room, really.
I can see it now. Yup. Smex!

I like knowing that she does it, cause Warrick don'tdo it, and it shows she wanted to be near him. She really freaked out while he was gone. :(
I love Cath's Season 3 hair, especally when she has it curly. Cath and Sara working together is good, but I can't picture Nick in that episode.

Does that mean I'll be getting to read something tomorrow. :p

I like that too, but you already read that part. :D

Cath really was freaked out while he was gone, she must have been thinking she was never going to see him again, poor Cath. She could easily have held his hand with her glove on, but she knew taking it off would mean more.
Catherine+Nick+hotel room=hot smex.

yeah, i liked Cath's hair when it was short and strait. it was fun. if Nick and Catherine do tell everyone their married this season, i would love to see Greg and Sara just look at eachother and Greg pull out his wallent and hand her 50 bucks. i can picture it perfectly...

Liv, :lol: I can see them doing it too, You think Sara would win the bet and not Greg, why?

Yup Hot Smex. I'm sure they have a lot of that. :devil:

Nick worked with Griss in the episode. But I'm sure him and Catherine meet up at some point or another ;)
Lol, Lynn, Kels I know I say this all the time...but you two are fabulous! **hugs to my Catnip Gutter!Buddies :D** I love it, never fails I come here and you two make me smile! It's great! :lol:

So did I hear mention of lots of ficcies and crossover stories and hot Catnip smex :devil:...?! Wohoo...! You are sharing these right? Cuz it's totally not fair to mention them and then leave us hanging here...I mean come on! :D **Pretty please...with whipped cream on top of Nicky?!! :devil:**
I think our spoiler is gonna prove something for us. I really do. "Their on a date!" will be what I scream mostly. During the whole episode really.
Lol, yeah you and me both hon! It is so gonna prove something...and I'm planning on dancing for joy in front of my tv the whole, YAY!!! :lol:
i would love to see Greg and Sara just look at eachother and Greg pull out his wallent and hand her 50 bucks. i can picture it perfectly...
Liv that'd be awesome! :lol: I could totally picture that happening too, and yeah I totally think Sara would win that bet! Oh I would love to see that! :D
They have lots of hot smex :devil:

Whenever Catherine and Nick are not working a case together they always arrange to meet up somewhere alone.

*hugs* Moriel Thats what happens when you leave me and Lynn alone with CatNip. :lol:

Seeing as how you added the part with whipped cream and Nicky, you can definately read. :D

Btw, Built To Kill is now the Season premier, and Toe Tags is Episode 3, according to YTDAW

That means we get our spoiler a week sooner than we expected. :D
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