Cath & Nicky #4: Since You're Already Dirty - CatNip

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I still love the blooper, George is so funny in it.

I love that scene from Rashomama that's the first really great scene we got in Season 6. I can't make up my mind on that one, I'd say they were just back together at that point. But I also like Amanda's theory about Cath being pissed because Warrick could show off his ring and Cath couldn't. But then how do you explain Cath's talk to Warrick in Bodies in Motion about him getting married, why would it bother her if she was with Nick.

I think I'm still going with they got back together around the time of Rashomama.

I know, poor Nicky, so many bad things have happened to him. But Cath's always there to help him feel better. :devil:
The speech was a cover.. so Nick could hear. She wants to show off her ring, and Nick won't let her... so if he thinks she's jealous about Warrick, then he'll end up giving in and letting her show off her ring.

Grave Danger might've set it off though. Because she knew how fast she could lose him..But they were definately on by the time of Rashomama.

I'm sure Cath helps .. um, dangit Kels stop it, You know I can't reply to that! :devil:
I know, poor Nicky, so many bad things have happened to him. But Cath's always there to help him feel better.
Kels dunno know if you meant it to or not...awww who I am kidding of course you meant it to...but that sent me straight to the gutter! :devil: Lol! :lol: And yeah of course she always helps him feel better... :devil: She takes him home and gets him all undressed and then proceeds to.... **ducks to avoid the meter....** what?! I was gonna say..."proceeds to tuck him into bed and read him a nice story to help him sleep..." Lol...uh huh, that's exactly what I was gonna say! ;) Lol! :devil:

Nicky should let her show off the ring already dang's gorgeous of course and of course she wants to show it off! She's proud of her man and the fact that he is hers forever...come on Nick, you know you want the world to know she's yours alone! Why hide it? We know just come out with it already! :D :D
I can accept that the speech was a cover but I still like the thought of them getting together around the time of Rashomama, mainly because of how cute they were together in that last scene.

Of course I did it on purpose, I did it to annoy Lynn :p

Tuck him in, yeah Moriel I'm sure that's what you meant :devil:

I still beleive that they could have got married at some point.
Okay Kels I remember Rashomama...lots of Catnip goodness :D...but I'm blanking on the last scene...what is the last scene you're talking about? Help! :lol:

Lol, to annoy Lynn huh?, you can't fool me hon! I know you just love the gutter! :devil: :lol: (Can't blame ya though Gutter!Buddy :devil: )

And um yeah...tuck him in... **coughs**...uh-huh, that's totally what I meant! :devil: That's what I'd be doing with Nicky in my bed...tucking him in....yeeeaaahhh! That should be the new code word, for ya know..."other stuff"! :devil:
I'm meaning the scene in my banner, best scene in that episode. :D

I do love the gutter, but I love doing it to annoy Lynn too. :p

:lol: You're not helping yourself. There's no way Cath just tucks him in. That's certainly not all I'd be doing. :devil: Okay Moriel tucking in instead of *things that cannot be said* :devil:
LOL...We need to form a line I think. 'Cause I'd gladly take a turn, or let him tuck *me* in...:devil: And I can't blame ya either about the gutter. I will say that if Cath *did*, uh, tuck him in, there wouldn't be much tucking or sheets for that matter...or they'd be really messed up lol.
Ahhhh, that scene! Okay Kels, good stuff! :D
There's no way Cath just tucks him in. That's certainly not all I'd be doing. Okay Moriel tucking in instead of *things that cannot be said*
Lol, yeah sounds like a good code phrase to me! :lol: And um yeah tucking him in is definitely not all I'd be doing! :devil:

Lol, Mel! :lol: Yeah Nicky can "tuck me in" any time! And yeah when Cath tucks Nick in...I agree, not much actually tucking or sheets are involved I'm sure... :devil:

**Giggles...I LOVE the Catnip gutter!!! :devil:**
hey guys! :D

I love the catnip gutter too Moriel. Its a nice place, and Kels has a tendency to get sent there more then me. Watch this.

Ice Cream. Strawberries. HEGM. :devil:

Guys, you know the second we form that line, Cath is going to kill us all. but... *gets in the front of the line* Me first!

"tuck him in" haha. that should be our next thread.. Nobody will know what the heck we mean but us. :lol:

Rashomama and TOYD is the best two eps that we gotten this past season, even DLG had some scenes, but Rashmoma and TOYD totally show somethings going on between them.

((I'm telling you, NCIS/CSI crossover before Kate died would rule!))
I just knew you'd be that mean, and you know fine well I can't say anything to that. :devil:

Hey, just don't take too long, I'm next. :D

That would be a great thread title for us. :lol:

Daddy's Little Girl did have some great moments, there's something about them walking to the car in that first scene, I know I'm weird. :p

Rashomama and TOYD gave us loads, all our clues are in those two.

I'd really like a CSI/NCIS crossover, but not now, I'd want Kate there too, I like her from the few episodes I've seen so far.
lol ice cream...don't forget the chocolate sauce and whipped cream...mmmmmm! I bet Cath would love that, a nice big Nick Sundae with chocolate and whipped cream and ice cream...and the cherries on top. Okay and some strawberries too. Mmmmm, yummy! *slurp* I'd ask her to share :grin:
:lol: Melly, you know she's not gonna share, she'll kill us first before she lets us. but of course, She might. Since we support her ship and all. :devil:

I was excited when I saw them walk to the car together in DLG. I was like, hell yes, we have a scene!

Yeah, a crossover before they killed Kate. Thats why I don't watch after season 2 for them. beginning of season 3 is fine. Still had Kate moments, but after that. no way. but We could always say Gibbs had her hidden and they come back together and then we see CatNip and Kibbs/Tate. :D.. Thats my bubbles.
Ice Cream. Strawberries. HEGM.
Okay Lynny I don't even know what HEGM is and yet that still sends me to the gutter...Ice cream, yeah... **Moriel drools over the mental images that conjures! :devil:**

And Lynn hon if you mean you're first in line to tuck Nicky in...then get behind me woman! :D I came up with "tucking him in" therefore I SO get to be first!! :devil: :lol: And speaking should totally be our next thread title, heehee!
Cath & Nicky #5: "She's Tucking Him In"- Catnip!

And yeah those episodes are good them! :D

Mel...a Nicky Sundae...omg...umm... **Moriel spaces out...begins to drool...totally loses train of thought at the thought of Nicky covered in whipped cream and chocolate sauce...oh dear I'm gone into the gutter...SO GONE!! :devil: :devil:**

Hmmmmm NCIS/CSI crossover huh...yeah as long as Kate was still in it...I could go for that! :D
hehe. I knew you'd agree on Kate for the crossover.

How could you not be so gone with that to the gutter. That's a nice one Melly. It really was!
I'm sure Cath will be enjoying that.

She's tucking him in, sounds perfect! Okay, I'll be nice and let you go first since you did suggest it. But I'm next!.. you know technically Cath's first.

CatNip and Strawberries. :lol:
Awwww Lynny I loves your new avie! Where's it from? It's totally cute! :D
Of course I agree on Kate for the crossover...she rocks...she's gotta be in it for it to really be good! ;)

And yeah isn't that a fab title...I say it's gotta be an option at least for our next thread title! :lol:

YAY I get to go first, wohoo...Nicky here I come! :devil: **Sees Cath coming at me in a jealous rage....** Oh dear! Um...Cath, I swear I know he's yours...and of course you're first...I wasn't trying to take that away from you! He's yours of course Cath...I just wanted to kinda borrow him, ya know...just for a minute or two...jus' a lil bit! :devil: Then you can kick my ass...cuz I'm sure you'd agree that even those few minutes would be worth it! :D

Catnip & Strawberries = Gutter! :D Then again...Catnip & anything = Gutter! :devil: :lol:
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