Cath & Nicky #4: Since You're Already Dirty - CatNip

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Of course she's happy to put them away. She saved her Nicky :D

well.. they could be playing that, yeah.. think with your gutter mind, :devil:

Come on Liv. Go to the catnip gutter!
That scene in Boom is great, Nick holds Catherine for ages, too cute.

Catherine and Nick alone, they're clearly up to no good. :devil:

The CatNip gutter is a wonderful place, I can't seem to get myself out of it.
Boom was the best catnip episode ever, yet. I said so. I mean, the hug. That hug was like forever long :) And then he determination to clear Nicky, did we see anyone else do it? I think not. Then they get all emotional. (From my experience) Guys don't normally like to show their emotions.

Cath and Nick aren't up to any good when they have company, but they are even worse when they are alone.
WOW!! So much going on. The new rule doesn't allow my to comment on much but I'll try. I'm a few days behind, so bare with me, alot to cover...

Promo pics: I'd like to see some too. Catnip standing beside each other would nice. One can hope ;)

All these spoilers sound interesting. Very promising :D :lol: You people are funny... :)

Lindsey as Nicks?!?! Oh wow! Never heard that before...never thought that before. Fanfic anyone? ;) But I think I hear those pics on the last page say 'Manip me...manip me...'

Oh, I so can't wait for the premiere! A month tomorrow :D
I think you should do manip it, Amy . Come on, YOu know you want to!

Linds as Nick's. has been a theory of mine and meimei's and Kelly's forever now. :D We like that theory.

Meimei. That is a great your way of Boom. ;) So very true though.

I love the catnip gutter. its an amazing place to be!
Hello my Catnippers...I've missed you! I was unable to get online for a whole 2 days and I almost went crazy! I needed my Catnip, what can I say....I'm clearly addicted! :lol: Then again how can I not be...they're just so freaking hot together! :devil:

Okay so to catch up real quick...I totally want new promo pics and I agree with y'all... we dang well better get some Catnip ones together! (Speaking of... Kels did you say you made a promo Catnip manip pic...can I see it?!)

Nice pics of Linds, Cath and Nicky and yeah I really do think Linds is Nick's and it wouldn't surprise me at all if that is revealed this season! Cath in crisis tells Nick for support...that'd rock! :D

Kels, Lynn, Manda.... Hi! :D **hugs!**
The CatNip gutter is a wonderful place, I can't seem to get myself out of it.
Lol, don't try Kels! It's so much more fun just staying down in the gutter anyway! :devil: It certainly works for me! :lol:
Lol, Lynn I know you agree with me...Catnip gutter is just darn fabulous! :devil:

I so cannot wait for our spoilers...YAY.... **gets giddy and giggly at the thought...wohoo!!**

And as for the Catnip bubble...I'm with you Lynn... **pats the bubble happily** this is a good bubble, sturdy and strong and, Catnip rules in this bubble...and soon the world will realize we are right and Catnip will become canon...sweet deal!! :lol:
CatNip's already canon, we just dunno it yet... Liv,I'm telling you to stay away from my bubble with that! :rolleyes:

Kels, made a nice one outta last years promo's. I'm calling it last years/last season whatever. Its all the same to me.

Moriel, I've missed you. I really have. Welcome back. and yes, I knew you'd agree on Linds!
Aww thanks Lynn! **hugs!** I missed you too!

And yeah Liv don't mess with Lynn's bubble! Lol...well our bubble...cuz unless it's a private bubble, I'm so totally sharing it with ya Lynny! Catnip gutter bubble party! :devil: :lol:

And of course I agree with you on Linds ;)
Hey Moriel welcome back. *hugs*

I can't find the actual pic, but this is an icon I made with the manip:


Nick would forgive Cath very easily about not telling him sooner about Lindsey.

I can't leave the gutter, I don't want to really, and most of them time it's my own fault with the mind I have. :devil:

The CatNip bubble is great, no one is going to burst it. :D
*pounces on Lynn and joins her inside the bubble* Sometimes it's sad being a multishipper LOL. You want so bad to be in the bubble but you can't put all your body inside it 'cause you're still torn between ships.

Anyway, I would certainly be surprised if they did reveal that about Lindsay...and come and adore y'all for predicting it accurately lol.
Iam new here for I am a huge g/s shipper but I thought there was something going on between warick and cath and now its nicky ??!!! Please tell me whats going on here, sounfs intersting to me!!! :confused:
Moriel its a shared bubble! :D .. Mel You know I love you even though your part yobling.

Its nice being the original ship. :D .. We're original, not predictable people. Get that straight.

I'm tellin' you. somehow someway. Linds is Nicky's. I just feel it... Don't ask.

gsrhappyending hmm.. Cath and Nicky have awesome moments together... *points at Episode list* I love those episodes, *gets knocked outta dream land* Hey!.. Oh right. We were the ship that was supposed to happen in the first episode but some idiots thought it was to soon for a pairing!.. *calms* I'm good.
We were the original ship and no one can take that away from us.

It's those dam people's fault that didn't like the idea of Cath/Nick, what did they know.

I'd love for it to come out that Lindsey is Nick's.

That list makes you realise just how many great moments CatNip have had.

Haha Lynn are you feeling okay?
Not a soul can take that from us... and haha the TPTB revealed it for a reason, come on. Why else did those two pics get released, that isn't in the eps and we haven't seen before. and come on, Nicky's look in TOYD. Obvious!.. and now their. *spoiler* come on?!?.. Their doing it!

Linds being Nick's. another one here. Nicky's been there longer then Warrick, Warrick mentioned a case in what season 1 in the 90's about him and Griss did a case.. Linds was born in like early 90's. 91=93 my prediction. and we don't know how long C/N were together in the pilot. They could've been together WAY before then.. They could've started theirs right after Nick joined, for all we know. .. Something to think about? I think so!

Those episodes have great scenes and great moments between them. :D

Yeah I'm good, Kels. Just...
Lynn glad that it's a shared bubble! I likes shared bubbles! :lol: Yay for our Catnip bubble...I LOVE it! :D

Yeah Kels, Lynn this really is the original ship huh...first CSI show, first ep...first, sweet deal! :D And yeah as for the focus group who saw the first ep and nixed they are pretty STUPID!! :mad: I'm sorry but they must have been high or drunk or I dunno something that made them blind and dumb...cuz that's the only way you could not appreciate Catnip! **Moriel stops...takes several deep I'm good now!**

I think I will go find some more of the lovely eps on the list and watch them to make me happy :D
**climbs back into the Catnip bubble and giggles happily!**
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