Cath & Nicky #4: Since You're Already Dirty - CatNip

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I'm with you there lol. But they'd better be careful in the DNA lab...things can happen. Can't you just see Greg or Hodges or someone coming in "Hey, guys...I found Nick's and Cath's DNA in the lab and...I think they're getting really naughty in there.
Lol, Mel that'd be pretty funny! :lol: Can you just see the look on Greg's face as he recounts what he saw!

Yeah Kels some women take a long time to show so it's quite possible...yay I'd love a Catnip baby! That'd be SOOO fun! Although can you imagine Cath pregnant...wowza, that'd be pretty funny! Cath with pregnant mood swings...hmmm, that could get interesting! :lol:
Who doesn't love those episodes :p When you saw them you're a CatNip :p Ow yeah Face Lift :D It's still one of my favourite episodes :) *drools away* :p
LOL, I imagine her being kinda scary on PMS so she might be even worse pregnant. I hope Nicky could keep her soothed and happy most of the time *g*. Although I wouldn't mind if she kicked Ecklie accross the room a few times (if she could do it without losing her job lol)
Cath with mood swings is kind of a scary though, she can get angery enough as it is, now add extra hormones, the lab might have to watch out. It might not show that's she's pregnant, but the extra hormones might lead them to think it.

:lol: Mel.

They've probably been secretly married for a while, probably around season four. Definatly before season six though.
Mel, that's funny, I can just imagine those two if they found that.

I want a CatNip baby too. I could imagine Cath having mood swings, but would prefer to see them direceted away from Nick, he would understand though.

I'd say if they were secretly married it would be from either just after Grave Danger or sometime in Season 6. Can't really be Season 4 because she was dating that guy Chris, so that must have been one of their off times.
Yeah, season 4 she was with Chris, so season 4 is out.. I agree with Kels, or a little bit before GD. I dunno if by time for Formalities or Crow's Feet, but I'm sure they got back "on" before the.

She's felt *all* of Nicky's muscles. She knows them well :devil: I couldn't help myself.

Mel and Moriel, you two are hilarious. But I honestly wouldn't want to face a pissed off Cath, so I hate to see how she is with mood swings and pregnant.

Linds is so their love child.
it can't be s5 either, Cath made out with that one guy in Weeping Willows and i don't think Cath would cheat on Nick

:lol: Lynn, when it come to Nicky's muscles (yes all of them) you really can't resist, bet Cath cant either. :devil:

They already have a love child, but they still need to have another one.

I forgot about Weeping Willows and that was the end of Season 5, no way Cath would cheat on Nick, he wouldn't cheat on her either.
So they got back on around Grave Danger or the middle of Season 6. But whatever it is, we know their serious this time. Maybe they could be married now or marrying this season :p

I think if Nick asked Cath if she wanted to ride a cowboy, I'd think she'd go for it. :devil:

Okay. They can have another love child. It'll be nice.
It could have been Grave Danger, after what happened to Nick they realised that they were meant to be together. I think we also agreed on Rashomama as being a possibility, but definately by TOYD. If they're not alredy married I'd like to see them doing it this season.

Haha, I don't think there'd be any objections from her. Would you say no, I sure wouldn't. :D

If Nick doesn't know about Linds, then it will be better this time because he'll know from the start that it's his.
My bet is after Grave Danger. She realized how fast she could lose Nick, and I say she was going to ask him, but he ended up asking her. :D

Good point. I wouldn't object really.

I say Eddie switched the tests on Linds so Nick couldn't find out. Yup yup. Or he already knows and they just don't want to tell anyone yet....Yeah, Nick would know from the beginning. Do you think Cath would tell him the minute she finds out she's pregnant or would she wait to make sure that she was pregnant?
After she went to the hospital with him she had decided that she was going to tell them they should be together. Nick got their first, Catherine would have been really happy.

I think I'd prefer that Nick doesn't know yet, or am I just being mean, I can't help it sometimes I like a bit of drama, I'd like to see Nick's reaction.

I think she'd probably tell him straight away, she know how happy he'd be and she'd be excited to tell him.
I still think before Grave Danger. They way my mind works tells me that they were secretly married for a while, at least late season five.

He wouldn't object, he knows better then too.

Eddie was abusive. She probably told Eddie that it was his and lead everyone else to believe it. She probably didn't tell anyone so that Eddie wouldn't find out. She probably only told Nick once Eddie was gone.
Mmmm, secretly married, yay...I just SOOO love that idea! Yeah I'm goin with late season 5 like Manda said! ;)
And Linds is SOOO their love child...and I'm sure Cath just told Eddie it was his so she could avoid being abused by the stupid prick! :p

Hey so anybody know if there are any promo pics for the new season yet? Cuz apparently there are some first ep pics available for CSI:NY....(shippers of those ships should check those out!) So I was hoping maybe we'd get some new pics for our first Catnip pics maybe! :devil:

P.s. Hi Lynn, Kels! :D Love your avies... Kels yours is gorgeous! And Lynny yours is just fab! :D
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