Cath & Nicky #4: Since You're Already Dirty - CatNip

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Moriel, not totally away lol. I still post in both groups. 'Cause I just can't decide...I love 'em both and enjoy both ships' moments. *is getting the S5 DVDs from the library so she can watch Grave Danger over and over to see the CatNip stuff*
How to be a catnip by the catnippers

* Episodes List

*Crow's Feet (how could you resist make a muscle, nicky!)
*Revenge Is Best Served Cold (racing completely rules)
*Boom {the hug, people the hug. very cute and Cath taking on Nicky's case}
*Assume Nothing (their smiles, its just cute)
*Cool Change (we claim this, why you may ask, look how close they are in the beginning!!)
*We claim the Pilot for no other reason then the fact that the unaired pilot is ours as well!
*Scuba Doobie Doo (I still wanna say something else)
*Slaves of Las Vegas (Catnip and latex, what can I say?)
*Friends & Lovers (you just know their doing it in that episode)
*Table Stakes (they eat together, w/Brass/Sara. but their sitting together!)
*Face Lift (points at CSI_Willows siggy. Thats why)
*After the Show (I claim the moment when their digging up her body and Cath leans on Nicky)
*Paper or Plastic (computer and eye sex, how could we not?)
*Bad Words (how'd we miss that, is so cute..Cath/Nicky jumpsuits, need I say more?)
*Bloodlines (mostly because I wrote a fic off of that..Also, in the blooper he makes her laugh!)
*The Accused is Entitled (she fixes his tie!)
* Abra Cadaver (doing what they do best, Ass checks!)
*Got Murder? (I believe this is the ep name. Cath moves away from Sara, to get in the middle of them to stand beside Nicky)
*Lady Heather's Box (besides LH, N/C have some scenes together)
*Precious Metal (come on she flips her hair when she turns to him. haha)
*Formalities (Cath touches Nick's ass..)
*Mea Culpa (and our Blooper people.. we mostly get our blooper though)
*Snakes (the head rub)
*4x4 (she looks at his ass...)
*Nesting Dolls (beginning, close together)
*Iced (its nice.. catnip walking down the stairs together)
*We claim our part in Grave Danger. Yes. Part two. She takes off her glove to hold his hand when their in the ambulance. Its been proven. Warrick keeps his on, but Cath takes hers off to hold him.
*Unbearable (look at the way he looks at her!)
*What's Eating Gilbert Grissom (this is the right one, right Kels?.. She puts herhand on his shoulder, He doesn't flinch, he likes her to touch him :D )

Kels any to add?
Lynn you pretty much covered it.

What's Eating Gilbert Grissom is the one where she puts her hand on his shoulder. I love that scene, it's so natural, he looks up, but he knows it's her.

Coming of Rage (Nick looks for Cath to help him with his case, he gives her the cutest smile)

I'll add in the Season 6 epi's:

Shooting Stars (Nick's scared to go into the bunker and Cath notices)
Daddy's Little Girl (They have a few scenes in this one)
Rashomama (Nick checks Cath's ass, then the back rub and playful hit)
Time of Your Death (He got lucky with a blonde, oh that he did)

I've made this banner to post whenever we get any new CatNippers, I've listed the 10 best CatNip epi's. I know there's loads more.

Lynn do you think I chose the right ones?

I love that banner. I'm gonna post it in my lj for no reason really.

WHGG He looks up, but you know that he's only looking up to confirm that it is her.

I can't believe I forgot, You've Got Male on the list. (Catnip and a Lake..ahh nice times)

Coming of Rage is just so cute to me because her only scenes are with him. and he goes looking for her, and he's happy when he finds her, and he gets her help. "You want me to cook" is so cute from her, and Nick's smile, Really adorable.

doh! I forgot Overload too, How could I forget that one. Oh yes. I was in a hurry. anyways. I love that episode too. Nicky only tells her. Very cute!

What does that say about our ship their meant to be together. They have great chemistry, It shows, they do, and plus, their doing it!
Thought you'd like it.

I love the way she leaves her hand on his shoulder for ages.

I didn't even notice you'd forgotten them. :rolleyes:

You've got male is great, reminds me of my fic though. :devil:

Coming of Rage "You want me to cook?" I love that line, and the scene with Cath, Nick and Bobby is funny.

That scene in Overload is so sad. But Nick tells Cath and that's something you only tell to someone you love and care about. Especially when he says that he's never told anyone else before.

Of course our ship is meant to be together. ;)
You know, I wonder if Nick and Cath are married yet or just serious about each other. I'd like to think that they already are.

Nicky told her his secret because he trustedher. He knew she wouldn't tell,a nd because he adores her.

CatNip is hot together and equals Love.
Lynn, Kels you two are freaking amazing! :D Holy Cow! I love how you got all the Catnip details like that...well done! And Thank You...I think I've seen about half of those but now I can go and find all of them and watch them...yay! Not like I need to become more obsessed with! :lol: (I'm high on it already! :lol:) But then again one can never have too much Catnip :D

And as for them being married kinda wouldn't surprise could be the theme of CSI:LV..."secretly together forever"! Wouldn't that be funny! Griss and Sara were secretly dating forever, and then we find out Nick and Cath have been married since forever! I would LOVE that! :lol: I could see it happening :D

And um yeah they are totally HOT together... :devil:
CatNip is easy to get high off of. It gives you a great feeling deep inside, wouldn't you agree?

You know, thats what I was thinking Moriel. Who knows what all CatNip's been up to. Although we can't say a kid, since Cath would have to gain some weight on us. so we can't say that, but who knows. My Cousin Michelle never gained a pound with Dana.

They are extremely hot together. :devil: I bet they hardly ever get outta bed on their days off, :devil:
Lol, yeah Lynny Catnip does indeed give me a great feeling deep inside of me! :D I LOVES it! :lol:

And yeah who knows what they've been up to...and hey women have become pregnant and no one ever knows! I could see it happening! :D :lol:

And as for getting out of bed on their days why would they? If I were them I sure as heck wouldn't! :devil:
You know, I came to a conclusion. CatNip is doing it. Yup. Their doing it, more in one place. Their doing it everywhere :devil:

See! Nobody knows the secrets that they've hidden or what they are hiding. I can't wait to find them out though. I say we find out.

If it were me in Cath's position, having Nicky in my bed everynight. I wouldn't go anywhere, and I sure as hell ain't letting him :devil:
why just the bed? i'd be doing it in the locker what is with me and the locker room? or in the back of Nick's truck, or in the company truck, or the DNA lab...the garage on that little scooter thing...the possibilities are endless...seriously i could go on.

Lol, FB I believe you could go on...heehee...then again I can't blame you! And sadly I kinda get the locker room thing...for some weird reason that idea is just hot! Not sure why, can't explain it...but still! :lol:

And Lynn yeah if Nicky were in my bed (not that he could be cuz Cath would kick my ass!) but if he yeah we would not be going anywhere else for a very long time...well no where outside the bed anyway! :devil: :devil:

And as for finding out Catnip's secrets....I'm all for that! I love covert missions...let's go! :D
Moriel, there's lots more CatNip there for you to enjoy.

It wouldn't surprise me either if they'd secretly got married. After what we got in Rashomama and TOYD, I could definately see tham having done it. They're back together this time for good.

Cath could have a baby on the way, some people (like me) don't start showing for at least 4/5 months, so Cath could definately be pregnant.

CatNip makes me really happy, always guaranteed to cheer me up if I'm feeling down.

If I was Cath, I wouldn't get out of bed either.

My fics have had them in lots of different places.
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