Cath & Nicky #4: Since You're Already Dirty - CatNip

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Lol, Lynn if we get a Catnip kiss, I will be right there with ya being giddy and annoying...dancing on my couch and singing for joy! That will be a fun day!! :lol:

Wait Marg filmed a movie? What I spacing and forgetting, cuz I think I'd notice her in a movie! :confused:

Hmmm, yeah I'd say look for a pic of Eddie on CSIscreencaps...but I don't think they have many pics from the early eps...and I think those are mostly the ones he's in...right?
hehe. I would hope I wouldn't be the only one jumping up and down. :D

Mr. Brooks I think. Or something like that. Kels might know more when she comes back. But even though she wasn't there. Nicky knew where Cath was ;)

Yeah, He's in season 4 too, for the Lady Heather's Box episode. But I dunno who has caps of that. Since he didn't have a scene with Cath.
Yummy...a Catnip kiss. I'm all for it. It would be great for them to repeat that deleted scene from a few years back. Ah....kissing Nicky...ooh the thoughts! Cath is so lucky... :)

Is there a Catnip 'broom closet?' :devil:
Lol, uh yeah no worries Lynn you will definitely not be the only one jumping up and down when (and I do mean WHEN!) we get our Catnip kiss! :D :D

Hmmm, I'll try and do some poking around...see if I can find some pics of Eddie...

Aud Hi! :D And yeah kissing Nick...always a fun thought huh! :devil: Lucky Cath indeed! :lol:

Catnip broom closet... Lynn, Kels didn't we shove Nicky and Cath in the broom closet a while ago? Did we let them out...I don't remember! Not that they aren't making good use of the alone time if they're still in there! :devil: :devil:
aww theres my minion. decided to grace us with your company? Good little minion. You should drop by more often, really.

Yup, CatNip's locked in their own little closet. I haven't let them out yet until the premiere. What? I'm mean like that, really.

I haven't seen any pics of Eddie yet...dangit.
you are feeding them right? locked in a closet were all they can do is...activities that make them do feed them, right Lynn?

FrostBite said:
you are feeding them right? locked in a closet were all they can do is...activities that make them do feed them, right Lynn?


How mean do you think I am?!?. Ofcourse I'm feeding them. They eat all the time... and I'm going no further then that, cause I'm sure Kels will take that to the gutter anyways.
too Syndrom is kicking in, i've gone to the gutter way before you sujested Kels would. well i'm glad you feed them, probably chocolate and whipped cram and strawberries and hot fudge sundays...damn it...stupid Shipper Syndrom Disease...

that's right Lynn, i have SSD, and it may become an epidimic, Neelie already has may soon as well.

SSD. You've got that? I didn't know that. Wait, Yeah I did. but yes, CatNip already has all of that, thank you very much. :D

Ha. I probably already do have it.

I heart CatNip.
Lol, Lynn I'm guessing you were talking about Aud with the "little minion", nice! :D And Aud I should come around here more often! :D We likes you! ;)
And good Catnip is still in the closet...I wasn't sure, but... **Moriel presses her ear to the broom closet door...** Ahhh yup, they're still in there! I uh....hear them... :devil: :devil:
Ofcourse I'm feeding them. They eat all the time
Um yeah Lynn hon, there's no where to go but to the gutter on that one! :devil: Lol! :lol:

FB SSD huh...sweet their's a name for this thing I have, thanks!! :D

Kels where are you?!!
Auda we know you're lurking. And we know you're a huge catnipper (even if you don't know it yet) So come on out and play with us. You know you want to. .. Same goes for the rest of yous *coughs Smiliee and Amy* I doubt Rissa still lurks.

Their safe and sound in the closet, Moriel, Nicky's actually using it to his advantage.

I know, theres no way but to really take it to the gutter. and what a nice gutter it is. Moriel I believe we share several gutters together... that reminds me, where the heck is Angsty!Twin?

Do you guys think I should write a sequel to the guys finding out about the girls being pregnant or just end it at that?

And suggestions for who the Mea Culpa Blooper should go up against.. Maybe the, Bloodlines Blooper?? well the CSI Season 4 Wrap Party remember Marg goes, "Its always, George Eads, George Eads, George Eads"

Kels will back with us tomorrow. I know, I miss her too.
Hey, I've missed all of you. *hugs*

I'll take a few caps of Eddie later, I don't have any pics of the new Lindsey though, Lynn, have you still got them?

Marg did a film called Mr Brooks, it's out in March, she plays Kevin Costners wife.

CatNip's still in the closet, hey they're not complaining.

How mean do you think I am?!?. Ofcourse I'm feeding them. They eat all the time... and I'm going no further then that, cause I'm sure Kels will take that to the gutter anyways.
Of course I did, it's me we're talking about.

Lynn I think you should write a sequal, if I do my pouting will that make you do it?

Haha, the Bloodlines blooper is really funny, and I love that part from the Wrap Video. My other favourite blooper is the Assume Nothing one when they're running down the hall.
Kels you're back! Yay :D **hugs back to you!** Oh good you have pics of Eddie...cuz I was able to find a few caps of the actor who played him but none as "Eddie" I'm glad you have some! And now about these bloopers...I've seen the Mea Culpa one (love that one!!) but these others you have those that you can send me? You or Lynn...pretty please! :D

And Lynn yeah hon, I know we share several gutters together...I love it! We are so permanent residents of the Gutter! I don't think we're ever gonna get out, even for good behavior! :lol: (Although why be good when you can be in the gutter, right?! :devil: )
As for Rad I think evil school has taken over her life...sad day for her... Rad visit if you can, we miss you! :D :D

And Aud I agree with Lynn we know you're a total Catnipper ;) So come play with us more often...we have lots of fun! :devil: Well okay Nick and Cath have more fun and we giggle while we obeserve...but hey that's pretty fun if you ask me! :devil: :lol:

And yeah you should write a sequel should always write a sequel! The world can always use more Catnip ficcies!! :D
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