Cath & Nicky #4: Since You're Already Dirty - CatNip

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Thanks Moriel, Kels made it!

I'm hoping we get promo pics soon. and I hope theres some CatNip in them. It'll make me very happy.

Meimei, why do you believe that long?
Hey Moriel and thanks. :D

As long as it was after Weeping Willows I'll agree with that.

If Cath knew she was Nick's she knew what Eddie's reaction would be if he had found out. In that case do you think that Catherine has always known that Lindsey was Nick's, or maybe she just suspected it but never had it confirmed.

I don't think LV has released any pics yet, I'm hoping that it's soon and we get some CatNip ones. Can't wait to see the group promo pics, hope they have CatNip standing together again.
Lol... **huggles to Lynny and Kels!** You two make me smile! :D
Yeah I really want some promo pics...with Catnip standing next to eachother...and hey if we get some of the first ep with them you know what-ing...then I'd be over the moon! :lol:
So I don't know if this is from the first ep or not....but I read a spoiler about how Nick knocks some guy out/punches him and then says if he wants anymore of that (being knocked down) then he can give him a call anytime and then puts his card in the guys I was thinking what if this happened after some dumb guy slipped whatever into Cath's drink and then Nick finds him and punches him out...wouldn't that be so romantic of him! Lol, all protective and fabulous! I really hope that's where what I read happens!
*hugs* Moriel.

I wont be complaining if we get that in the first episode, but we know they'll be sneaking off somewhere anyway. :devil:

Oooh I've not read that, I really hope that's from the two part episode and that it's because Nick get's to confront the guy that spiked Cath's drink. Nick's really protective of Cath so I could see him doing that.
I say she's always expected Linds to be Nick's but never confirmed it. in which she should. :D

If Nick is doing that for Cath, which of course, I could really believe that he would go after the guy that hurt Cath...Maybe Nick goes and finds him and teaches him a lesson for hurting his girl.. hey a girl can dream
How do you think Nick would react if he found out and then realised that Catherine has always suspected it and never said anything to him.

I can see that though, as soon as Nick knows that anything's happened to Cath he'll want to go find the guy and kick his ass. It would be his natural reaction.
He'd be upset with her, but knew things with Eddie for her were rough enough and didn't want to give him false hopes. He'd be pissed for awhile, but he'd get over it. He'd probably already suspected it himself.

Of course he'd kick his ass! and be a natural reaction. Cath's hurt. and he's not about to let the guy who did it get by with it. He's going to hunt him down. If not, He'll do it in my fics
I think he must have suspected, he'd be able to work out dates, but maybe he didn't say anything because Cath didn't. He might have presumed that because Cath didnt say anything that she was sure she was Eddie's. Or maybe Nick confronted her all those years ago and she convinced Nick that it wasn't his because of the way Eddie was. I think Nick would be upset, but once he calmed down he'd be happy with it.

Yeah, we'll just change what we don't like. Do you think Nick will be feeling guilty too if that happens to Cath.
He loves her, and I'm sure he already loves Lindsay so that'll be perfect for him :D

Yeah I think he will cause he'll feel it was his fault cause he wasn't "watching" her
Ohhh, Lynn, Kels ya know what we should do (well you two since you're both Catnip geniuses! ;) ) ...get pics of Eddie (grrr!), Nick, Cath, and Lindsey and see which two Lindsey looks like the most! (I'm betting Nick and Cath! :D )

I read also that apparently Lindsey gets kidnapped during the first ep that's ALOT of Cath angst there...I mean she goes from dancing with her (secret hubby!) Nicky, to getting drugged and then her (their!) daughter gets kidnapped....geez pile on the Cath drama! Not that I'm complaining, I like Cath centered eps, plus it gives Nick more chances to comfort her! :devil: But still...poor Cath!
*nods* I agree, CSI_Willows. If those things happen, we will indeed have a lot of chances for ummm comfort :devil: Of course it'd be even better if it ended with a hot Catnip Kiss but....I can dream.
We can all dream, we're all hoping for the same thing. Lots of CatNip kissing. :D

Moriel I like that idea, I won't be around tonight, but maybe Lynn would want to do it, if not I'll see what me and her can come up with tomorrow. ;) I bet Nick too.

I read that too, and I also read that Cath is in a car crash, not sure if Lindsey is too, poor Cath, so much is meant to happen to her in those two episodes, but it's definately more chances for Nick to comfort her.
Oh Catnip kiss...mmmmm! :devil: I like that idea! :D Sounds fabulous to me...we always need more hot Catnip kisses! :lol:
Lol, okey dokey Kels I think it'd be fun to compare...and have pic proof that Linds' is Nicks! :D

Wow...lots of Cath spoilers...huh...hey I'm not complaining though...more Cath time means more possible Catnip time and that is never a bad thing in my book! :lol:
I think the only reason why we didn't see so much CatNip this past season is because of Marg filming that movie. But, I'm sure they'll make up for us not getting that many scenes last season with this one. So much Cath'ness.

You know, if we have a CatNip kiss, I'll be happy. I'll be giddy and probably end up being annoying. Poor Kels.

I need to find a pic of Eddie. I haven't seen any yet. Maybe E might have some. I dunno.
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