Cath & Nicky #4: Since You're Already Dirty - CatNip

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and Cath and nick's relationship has grown alot more since thread one too.

I think we're going to have a hot season, last season I didn't feel that great, but this season I feel awesome over it. Our spoilers gonna give us a great start ;)

Our hot little ship is gonna grow :devil:
It really has.

Last season wasn't that great for us apart from a couple of episodes at the end. But I'm really positive about Season 7, and that spoiler has got me all excited, can't wait.
Thanks for the clip CWS. OMG hilarious! :D Bird dog...gotta use that sometime ;)

I'm excited for s7. I never really paid any attention to catnip until I came here. So looking forward to it :D

5 more Thursdays! Is that it?! YAYAYAYAY :D
I just hope I get to watch it. This year I get a roommate at college. I'll have to fight for the TV :lol:
No wonder the director yells cut at that point, they totally lose it, it's so funny. I'm surprised they were allowed to go on like that for so long, not that I'm complaining cause that blooper is the funniest one ever. :lol:
your in love with sandles aren't you?

Amy, I'm sure you'll get to watch it, hopefully you can convert your roomie into a CatNipper too :D

..Kels, I finally got Jerm to watch Crow's Feet!
Awww Lynn, Kels thread 4, yay...we're doing awesome, I wasn't there when y'all started this, but I'm sure as heck glad I'm here now! :D I LOVES this ship...they're hot, fun, fabulous and I just adores them! :lol: I have lots of high hopes for this ship this's gonna be fabulous, I KNOW it! :D
Hot spoilers...wohoo, yummy! :devil:
I agree with Moriel. Their hot and their gonna have a great season together.

Kels, this is his quote on what he told me on MSN.
Crows Feet - Has got to be the...........hottest idea ever! I can see now why your so crazy about this ship. Their scenes are hot!

[insert me smirking here]

so now he's borrowed all of my catnip eps, and are watching them.. :D
YAY!! Lynn agrees with me! Wohoo :D
And I'm not sure who you're talking about...but it sounds like you got another Catnip! :lol: Well done :D
I am not going through all those pages, I'm to lazy. But I'm back. Since we had to spend an extra night because our car broke down, in the middle of the highway in the middle of the night, I got to see the pilot and decided right where the kiss would be.

I remember thread one, it wasn't that long ago. We have grown alot since I hopped aboard.

Season Seven is going to be their hottest season ever. I mean with our spoiler, we are going to rule it.

I love minions, I love having minions, they will do whatever you tell them too and not complain, I have several.
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