Cath & Nicky #4: Since You're Already Dirty - CatNip

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Liv, I knew you liked CatNip {smirks}

I watched Mea Culpa the other day and I was like, wheres that one scene at?? Then I had to remember it was a blooper. :lol:
aw..poor Lynn your brain malfuctioned due to all the internet stuff you found! i remember once i read some story about a reviesed outcome of some episode *cough*Sandle*cough* and i was watching said episode completly freaking out, then i remembered that shippers don't rule the world and it made me sad...

for once i'm not happy...strange...

hey! I rule the world dangit. So you shall bow to me! {insert evil laugh here}

how bout I give you Greg? Will that make you happy? ... then give me CatNip.
you still need to give me Greg! i gave you your story you CatNip sucking fiend! now i wan t my Greggo!

woah..i so did not just call you a fiend...but that's a funny word

I gave you Greg! Its not my fault meimei stole him from you... but I have him back. I have him for my CSX fic... gimmie another CatNip, and I'll give him to you.

I'm gonna whack ya.
oh nose! don't wack me!

if you've forgotten i've also given you a banner...two in fact! ok tecnically it was one and and another version of that one but still...fine one CatNip story coming up...i can get it to you tomarrow...6 by the latest, 'cause i have school...plot...hmm...GOT IT!

Lynn think mud
with your imagination you could think of many things.

**Moriel bounces in...high on always! :lol:**
Hello my fabulous Catnippers! **waves excitedly!**
How are y'all? Lynny, Kels, Hi! **huggles!** Liv Hiya...I'm Moriel...always happy to meet a fellow crazy...I mean shipper! ;) :lol:

hey! I rule the world dangit
Lynn you're funny! :lol: And you only rule the world until us fluffies decide to take that from you ;)...or even better until we convert you and then we'll appoint you our queen! :devil: :D Heehee!

As for your poll...that was just plain hard there...the Mea Culpa blooper is the funniest thing I've ever seen, or one of them...but so far the Unaired Pilot has won it all for me...even the possibility of a Catnip kiss usually does it for me...but this time I gotta say, I went with the blooper..."I'll fetch for ya!" is just too dang cute! :D
Yes, I'm making another catnip wall in the future, but I still have 5 or 6 other requests to do before that, so I'm gonna need some time...please be patient ;)

Great wall CWS. Cute pics :)

Blooper? What blooper? You'd ya'll see it? Where is it?
Howdy y'all! :D **waves!**
DB, Mel yeah y'all will love the blooper, first time I saw I laughed so hard! :lol:

Only 5 more Thursdays y'all! 5 more until we will all be "dancing" for joy over new Catnip! :lol: :D Yay!
Ow I'm so jealous, I live in Holland and the last episode here was Kis Kis Bye Bye.. Then we had a summer-stop thing, they are now re-running old episodes.. :( I can't wait 2 see that scene :p I wish I live in the USA :p
howdy fellow CatNippers. It's almost time for a new poll, so if you haven't voted, vote quickly. :D

Wow, page 14. You know back on thread one, me and Kels never thought we'd get off of it, and now look at us, on thread 4. and its really nice. Thanks you guys :D For supporting catnip, we love ya!
Hey all *waves*

It looks like the blooper might just do it. Cath and Nick being naughty is pretty hard to resist. :lol:

Aww Lynn remember back then, we were happy just to get a new page, can't believe how far we've come and grown (behave :p), loads of lovely new people have joined us in the madness. :D

I know that our hot ship it going to continue to get more support.
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