Cath & Nicky #4: Since You're Already Dirty - CatNip

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And if they ever let Nick find out about the ransom money, he'll see exactly what she did for him. He'll know that it wouldn't have been easy to go to Sam.
He already knew at that time Cath and Sam weren't close, and he would know how much he meant to her for her to go to him to ask.
Yeah that's a pretty good indicator of love...the fact that Cath would go to Sam for that much money! He so needs to find out what she did for him! :D
And they should totally have a little boy...awwww, that'd be cute! What should he be named? Hmmmm...Let's see they have about a little Colby Nicholas after Daddy? :D With his mama's red hair and his Daddy's eyes and grin...gah, he'd be a TOTAL charmer!
:lol: Kels is going to kill me, I love you Moriel!

aww I love that! That is a perfect name and description of what he would look like Moriel, aww!
{whispers} Nicky's gonna go BOOM!

They are gorgeous, and so he'll be a little hottie. He'll be a complete heartbreaker, and he'll take on more of Cath, but he'll have some Nicky in him :D
Lynn, that's not funny.

He'll have both their good looks, he'll be caring the way that Nick is but he'll also be able to stand up for himself the way Catherine does.
Angst? You live for torturing me :p

Yeah CatNip come on, we want to see if we're right. With all the practice they do it's a wonder they've not had one already :devil:
hehe. Okay I won't kill Nicky off.

I'm sure they would have had one by now with all of their.. you know whats, but.. Nicky must be using protection man. :devil:
Yeah they really should have a kid already...he'd be so cute! And smart and fun! Awwww, come on Catnip! It means you get to do it alot... :devil: Lol! :lol:

Kels is going to kill me
Why? :confused:

Nicky's gonna go BOOM!
Oh Lynn! Gah...straight to the gutter, straight down! :devil:
Moriel, in the RP with Kels, I have Nick in a carwreck, fire all around, :devil:

:lol: Kels, probably would've tooken that to the gutter too, if I didn't mean that in a bad way.

aww, I hearts your little one :D Who knows, Maybe we will.
Haha, no story, let's just say I have a 3 year old I didn't plan for :lol:

I know Lynn and I love her to bits.

:lol: I totally would have taken that to the gutter if it wasn't for the fact Lynn was using it a completely different way.
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