Cath & Nicky #4: Since You're Already Dirty - CatNip

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Like: Linds is their love child, their secretly married.. Have I missed anything?

Its a really good scene between them. I love that playful hit she gives him, and haha see she lingers her hand on his back a little longer :devil:
Hello my lovelies! :D **waves in excitement!**
I'm so glad y'all are make me happy! :D
I was freaked out by the latest "spoiler" twist, but after reading all y'all's bubble is secure and happy! THANK YOU!! Lynn, Kels I agree with all you have said and now I am quite happy again with my spoilers and I can't wait to see our spoiler and I KNOW Catnip's gonna rock this next season! :lol:

**Moriel floats in her bubble...yay for Catnip, oh yay, yay, yay!**
CatNip's going to dance a very hot dance. I can feel it. And I'm not even gonna think about what happens afterwards, i'm living for our scene, our moment, and its going to be flirtacious on both ends, and Nicky and Cath are gonna show us theres something going on between them, We'll notice it. Its our season, i can feel it!
I see hot dancing too, and hands on each other, lots of eye sex, there's a perfectly reasonable explanation for anything that happens after that, the main thing for us will be the dancing. I'd love for Season 7 to be our season.
I can see Nick being really flirty with Cath, and saying cute little comments. I can't wait to see it,a nd I can't wait to see his eyes when he sees her in that dress!
Lol Lynn, Kels I just adore you! :D **huggles to you both!!**
I think Nick will not be able to take his eyes off Cath in all her hotness, and then he'll totally be flirty and make teasing flirting comments to her (gutter comments would make my year!!) and she'll smile that amazing "I am so happy to be here with you right now" smile of hers...and they will dance their HOT number and then Cath will have to go to the bathroom or will need another drink and so she will tell Nick to go dance with the hoe (GRRRR!) because she trusts him and plus the hoe is married to a Marine, so it means nothing...and plus OBVIOUSLY Nicky loves his Cath, so it really means nothing! And then Catnip will go off afterwards and prove us all right to the world by showing that...THEY ARE SO DOING IT!!!!

**Moriel floats off in her lovely happy Catnip bubble, content and safe from anyone popping it!**
*hugs* Moriel

I hope for all of that, we know they're going to look hot dancing together. I can't wait to see Cath in that dress either. The smiles we see are going to show us how much in love they are and anything after that is going to be meaningless, it's all just a front so that they can try and keep their secret longer.
*hugs Kels and Moriel*

You know what, I don't care.. Don't hit me Kels! I haven't finished yet... As I was saying, I don't care if they wanna keep their secret longer as long as they gimmie clues. Do I want CN to become canon? Hell yes!
*hugs* Lynn.

You're lucky you added that part, or else you would have been getting hit :p i dont mind either, we were given some really great clues last season, so if it means we get more then they can keep it secret longer if they want, doesn't matter cause we know the truth :D

Of course we want CatNip to become canon.
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