Cath & Nicky #4: Since You're Already Dirty - CatNip

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audacity said:
Iheart, instead of threats have you tried bribing them with cookies or pie?? Maybe if they had some norishment, they might be inclined to make the spoilers true?? If that doesn't work, then how about we hold their scripts hostage?? JK. LOL!

Auda! Hi again! :D Lol, good idea my fluffy friend! Bribery is always worth a shot...and if that doesn't work I love the hostage idea! Hmmmm, plus that means we'd have the script and that's just plain brilliant right there! :D We could do whatever we wanted with Catnip.... :devil: Ohhhh, I SO love that idea! :D
audacity said:
Iheart, instead of threats have you tried bribing them with cookies or pie?? Maybe if they had some norishment, they might be inclined to make the spoilers true?? If that doesn't work, then how about we hold their scripts hostage?? JK. LOL!

Okay Minion You be the fluffy one and give it to them hmm?
I love the pic up there :)

Hey Lynn, you and I have extra incentive, we're after them for TWO ships :) Let's get 'em!
Its a nice pic, don't ya think?

oh yeah, we are aren't we?! :D Smacked and CatNip :D

ooh lookie what Lynny has for you: Surprises Don't forget to leave me a comment :D
Mel, Lynn I want both Smacked and Catnip too...I'm so with you on getting TPTB! :D Let's go :lol:

**Moriel grabs her pitchfork, I'm ready!!**
hehe. and Auda calls me aggressive!.. Everybody get your pitchforks ready. We're going after the TPTB for our CatNip!... Nobody can't say we don't love our ship..

I posted both fics on too. {CatherineStokes is me}
I have yet to still post my fics on Especially my smut one, I'm sure, Moriel wants to read it :p

I love this ship, and I'm so glad to be shipping it with you guys. {group hug}
Uh yeah I want to read it! Catnip Smut...why would I not want to read it, silly! :D

I love this ship too and I'm quite glad to be shipping it with you all too.... **joins in Lynn's group hug!**

Any ideas y'all on a good program to make manipulations with? I have a couple ideas for some Catnip manips that I wanna try! :devil:

P.s. Lynn I read the updates...liked them! Well done! Loved Nick in it...thought Danny would've acted better...but still, good stuff! :D
Yeah, her hand lingers on his back a little bit longer then what a friend would... Kinda like a boyfriend would to your back or you would to your boyfriends back.... I just know Amanda and Kels, mostly Kels, are going to take that a total another way.
I wonder why you thought I'd take that to the gutter :rolleyes: I did by the way. :D

I read the update Lynn, loved it, left you comments. And my blackmailing worked, btw, I was never going to leave out the smut :devil:
^Of course you took it to the gutter Kels! ;) heehee...I know I did! :devil:
Nice work on the blackmail too hon... **high five!** Heehee, although I think Lynn knew you wouldn't leave out the loves it too much to do that! :D

Hey here's a question for do you think the rest of the "team" will react if/when (when!) they find out Catnip are together?
I know some of my stuff has been posted here already but I wanted to add...

I think you guys will love the Catherine/Nick dancing. Marg and George were cute. Unfortunately, when a slower song comes on she sends him over to the blonde, lol.
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