Cath & Nicky #4: Since You're Already Dirty - CatNip

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Ahhhh, Lynn & Kels own little world huh...I see! :D I'm sure it's nice... **giggles!** :lol:

And yeah Manda I agree...everything with this show is of course the pics mean something!

And I voted for the Unaired Pilot, cuz with Crow's Feet out that's my next choice! Plus potential Catnip kiss...and I kinda don't remember the other one! **ducks into a corner in embarrassment!**
Ohhh, that does look like a nice scene Kels!
Okay now I need details, what happened Catnip-wise in Rashomama...cuz I don't remember it at all! (Sad I know!)
Nice! Okey doke, I'll have to see if I can find it somewhere! :D Thanks for the info hon! :lol:

**Moriel skips off to her Catnip gutter bubble....I'm lovin it!**
CatherineWStokes said:
Nick checking Cath's ass
A scene at the computer
^^That scene where she rubs his back
The playful hit

Nice CatNip episode :D

Yeah, her hand lingers on his back a little bit longer then what a friend would... Kinda like a boyfriend would to your back or you would to your boyfriends back.... I just know Amanda and Kels, mostly Kels, are going to take that a total another way.
"Its you and me against the world" *puts on helmet* "We attack at Dawn" :D

Yup, Rashomama is season 6, towards the end.

ETA: Right, sure you meant drive, meimei.
Lol...yeah "drive"...ah-huh...that's what you meant Manda...sure! ;) :devil:

Ohhhh, Lynn can I join the fight?! :lol: **puts on helmet and goes to stand next to Lynn!**
Psst....psssstt...who are we attacking? :confused: :lol:
We're attacking the TPTB. Why? Because we want our spoiler to happen and more. I figured threats would help us better, yes.
iheartnickcath said:
We're attacking the TPTB. Why? Because we want our spoiler to happen and more. I figured threats would help us better, yes.
Oh honey, then I am ALL over that! :D Sign me up, pass me my sword...or ya know whatever...and let's get to attacking! :lol: Anything that will get us our spoiler, dang it!
AmandaSzmanda said:
*whistles* TPTB are currently tied up at the moment, so now would be the perfect time to attack.
Sweet! Let's go!
**Moriel puts scary face paint on...grabs her pitchfork and practices her war cry...."Give us Catnip or we'll give you a fat lip!" (not the best war cry, I know, but it does rhyme! :D)**
Iheart, instead of threats have you tried bribing them with cookies or pie?? Maybe if they had some norishment, they might be inclined to make the spoilers true?? If that doesn't work, then how about we hold their scripts hostage?? JK. LOL!
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