Cath & Nicky #4: Since You're Already Dirty - CatNip

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Dingbat, PM Kels and bribe her to send you her fics. :D

If I wasn't already a shipper before that being called Nicky. I probably would've turned during that, but it was very cute.
Hmmm...Catnip smut! Sounds interesting! :devil:

So did you all lock Cath and Nicky in the closet?? Maybe they could get lost on the open road in the crime lab vehicle and...oh the plot bunnies!! :lol:

I chose "Boom." I can't say why, I just like the word! :p
CatNip Smut = Kels {CatherineWStokes} She writes the best stuff :D

Yup, CatNip's locked in the closet :D ..... Oooh, I think kels is writing a fic similar to that. :lol:

You like the word Boom? .. That's my Auda.
CatNip's always in the closet :devil:

Me? I don't remember me mentioning a closet, but you know, that could be next. :D

You know, I could take Boom straight to the gutter :devil:
I've got lots of Catnip to catch up on...I've been MIA.

I haven't read any Catnip fics...well, except for the one my angsty friend above me wrote *Iheart*...for those of you that don't know, I'm her minion...not really proud of that though! LOL!!
Hey I have another CatNip fic on FF.NET :D It was my first one, I believe... and yes, Auda is my minion, and whats that supposed to mean??

Kels, You can always take boom to the gutter :D
Kels, Lynn, Auda, Dingbat, Manda....howdy y'all!! **waves excitedly!**
Kels glad ya won't let me leave! ;) Heehee, I'm not going anywhere any time at all...I just LOVES my Catnip! :D
You know, I could take Boom straight to the gutter
Lol, okay so I read this and my mind when STRAIGHT to the gutter in like record time! :devil: Nice! :lol:
And Kels do LOVE smut, you KNOW it honey! ;) Smut's fabulous...espcially Catnip smut! :devil:

Kels I ADORE your new avie, might be my most fav ever! :D
And Lynn hon you have a Catnip ficcie on Totally gonna have to check that out! Yay! :lol:
Hey Moriel *waves* :D

I do love the smut, reading it and writing it :devil:

Aww thanks hun, out of the 100 Catherine icons I had to make, that's one of the ones I'm most pleased with. :)
Yeah, its called Before He Cheats. Its a good fic. I adore it.

Its almost time for another poll, I'm going to be nice, and take suggestions... Who do you want to go against the winner from Round Three. Pick an ep, {except for :: Boom, Snakes, RIBSC}
Heehee, hi! :D

Yeah I'm a fan of smut, in case you didn't know that or anything! :D Yeah! :devil:

You've made 100's of icons? Wow! Yeah this one really is gorgeous! :D She is Gorgeous!

Lynn that's your ficcie? Yay! I just went to look for it and found it! Cool beans!

**Moriel skips off to read Lynn's ficcie!**
*kicks Lynn* I reviewed your fic.

You all didn't vote for my episode *kicks all angerily*

TYOD should compete against it. I mean he did get lucky with a blonde three times.
Lynn you know I love that fic.

Moriel I would never have guessed you like the smut :p And yeah I did an icon challenge of Cath and I had to make 100 icons, so expect to see my avi change quite a lot :lol:

Aww why is everyone putting my favourtite episode's up against Crow's Feet.

Lynn just leave Assume Nothing along for now ;)

And Amanda no kicking here, we get plenty of that at Lynn's board. :p
Hey, Moriel :D I'm doing good. Don't want to get back to college again, but what can ya do? You?

A ficcie! So gotta read :)

Off to PM Kels about Catnip smut ;)
But, kickings fun. I'll have to take after Lynn and whack you all then *whacks everyone*

We should put the un-cut pilot up against Crows Feet. Then well see what everyone votes for.
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