Cath & Nicky #4: Since You're Already Dirty - CatNip

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We got loads of clues and then there was that interview that Marg and George did, and the dancing is just perfect for them.
I think the dancing is just gonna prove how much they want each other, because if Carlos does sing, its going to be a slow but yet fast pace Latin songs, and Nick and Cath are going to be showing ALOT of emotion on that one, and I know for a fact, like you said in your letter kels, we're not gonna be shutting up about it {smiles}
When they dance I can see touching, or if it's a slower song they'll be really close with arms round each other. And there's no way you'll be able to shut us up.
Sorry have that song in my head. Anyways. I think CatNip is going to have one of those great, "I want you scenes" throughout that, and yes closeness. Gotta love it.
I'd love to see them with Cath's arms round his neck and his, well wherever, probably her ass knowing him, and them staring into each others eyes and you know that they want to kiss, I know that's what will be getting yelled from us.
They get close enough to kiss, I'm gonna be screaming KISS!.. they will, they know that they want to...
:lol: Kels I'm going to be sending you all kinds of messages, and if they do it. I'm gonna scream, "Oh yeah, I told ya, Huh huh. Suckers!"

Cath and Nick have Teh hot Chemistry. :D
Just as long as you don't torment me by saying things are happening when they really aren't. I'll be on a plane to kick you in person. :lol:

They have teh hot chemistry and they are teh sexy couple. :D
haha. I might just do that... pss Hey Kels, Cath and Nick are NEKKID!

*nods* They are teh sexy couple... They really have all those qualities of a chemistry, hot couple that can make it last!
You'd probably do that just so I'd have to come and see you. :D

Hey, I've behaved myself tonight and you go and say something like that. :p

Catherine and Nick could, no would last as a couple. Catherine needs a guy like Nick after having not so great luck with men in the past and we know that Nick adores her.
I wonder how it would go with Lindsey...would be extremely interesting to see how she reacted to the whole thing lol.
I say at first she would be all.. "mom! Nick?" but we all know Linds is CatNip's love child :devil:

Kels I would just so you can come here :D Yes. I'm not the one that took popsickle to the gutter. :lol:

Nick is such a good guy for her, and he does adore her. and I'd think they'd be perfect for each other. and look new page!
Ships who dance get canon *points to Phantom of the Opera* I don't like the Phantom canon ship, but I like this ship, and they are going to dance, so we will get canon. Plus after they dance they are going to tango :devil:

Hey the popsicle thing was all me, and I take claim for it. *sees everyone staring* But I meant popsicles like those cold hard things that come out of the freezer.

Linds probably knows Nick is her dad, she just won't confront her mom about it.
Lindsey might be weird at first, but then she'd see how much Nick adores her mum that she'd be cool with it. And then when she finds out that Nick's really her dad she'd like him even more.

Lynn I'd be there if I could. ;)

I can't help but take that to the gutter, you know me. :devil:

Amanda I hope that theory works, I want that. :D

You know fine well that's not what you meant. :lol:
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