Cath & Nicky #4: Since You're Already Dirty - CatNip

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Ok, but once we can do it you won't be able to shut me up.

But, but, oh wait I've already admitted I'm the worst, can't go back on that now. But most of the time it's Lynn's fault, she provokes me. :D
I do nots! {whistles}

Yeah theres only two choices for the poll, the winner will be versed against another episode. :D Also, I know its hard, but vote for your fav outta the two, and tell us why!
Yes you do, don't try and deny it :D

And your poll is evil, so unfair making us choose between those two, but I had to go with Crow's Feet

I think I'd choose this one for the muscle scene alone, think my jaw hit the floor when Cath said that and I wasn't even a Cath/Nick shipper at the time. Just too hot an episode for them, and the you dont need it line is too cute.

But I still love RIBSC, so many great lines between them, and the racing scene is one of my favourite ever scenes.
:lol: I made a hard choice there. But I also voted for Crow's Feet and I agree possibly for the whole muscle scene. It was really really nice..... and I still love you RIBSC :D
does anyone have (or know of) any good CatNip clips I could download?? I need to see more of these two in action *desperatley tries not to go to the gutter.... too late :devil: *
{thinks} I dunno.. Kels has those we mustn't speak of. :D ... I watched the Village Again...

How could you not take that line to the gutter. Thats like perfect!

meimei We know Boom is your fav.. That might be who the winner goes against, and it might not. It might be later, it might be sooner. :devil: :lol:
You can only take that line to the gutter. :devil:

The Boom hug is great too. Haha Lynn that's so mean, but then you already put my two favourite episodes against each other.
Lol, Rad nice gutter line honey! That was perfect! :devil: No where to go but down from there! :lol:

Lynn that's just mean to put those two against eachother! But I have to say Crow's Feet, for the muscle scene! It was after all what made me a Catnipper! :D I couldn't stop staring and then giggling after that scene! :lol:

And Kels yeah I know you're the gutter instigator... **hugs to you for that one!**
hehe. It really was what made you a catnipper wasn't it? I believe I told you, "Watch this one! Watch it!" .. I might've added more threats in there.
I'm the instigator most of the time, but not all the time, it's their fault anyway for writing things that can easily be taken to the gutter :devil:

I think Crow's Feet would get most people, the whole muscle scene gets me every time, even down to the way they look at each other all the way through it.
That scene just made me even more of a fan. Made me go HELL YES thats my ship, bitches!.. I knew even more in that moment that they were meant to be :D
iheartnickcath said:
That scene just made me even more of a fan. Made me go HELL YES thats my ship, bitches!.. I knew even more in that moment that they were meant to be :D
Lynn! :lol: You crack me up! And yup that really was what made me a Catnipper...and yeah you did tell me to watch it a lot of times...and when I finally did I think I had to hear "I told you so!" several times! :D Not that I minded though...cuz you were SO right! :lol:

And yeah Kels I think Crow's Feet should be our "initiation ep" just show that to potential Catnippers and we'll get them every time! :D
I think we should, it's too hot an episode :D

The last time I watched Crow's Feet I just skipped past all the non CatNip scenes. Kinda like what I did today with RIBSC and Snakes. I wanted as much CatNip as possible. :D
Lol, I do that alot too Kels! Sometimes I want to watch the actual drama part...but usually I just want the Catnip! :D Fun times for sure! :lol:
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