Cath & Nicky #4: Since You're Already Dirty - CatNip

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I'm here I'm here... I don't really know a lot about this ship though.. just from the eppy's I've seen of them together... I'm so lost...
Yeah Lynn that's a great line too :D Case B was Griss/Sara/Warrick...gambling guy who died, but like you said, Catnip is all that matters :lol: And yeah this was a great Catnip ep! They both looked SOOO good in this ep too...yeah baby! :devil: (And they so did it in the car before they got there! :devil: :lol:)

Lol, Rad are we losing you? Sorry hon! Too be honest I don't know a whole ton more than you! If you really want to know details and all the Catnip eps and stuff, ask Lynn or Kels they rock at Catnip! (I'd say they're obsessed ;) but aren't we all! :D )

**Moriel sneaks off to her Catnip bubble again! Dreaming of nice Catnip spoilers!**
Twin Have you seen Crow's Feet yet??? {{Thats what got Moriel!!}} ... You wanna read Kels hot fics, and want me to PM you mine?
Ohhh yeah Rad watch Crow's Feet! That turned me into a certified Catnipper! :D That is a fabulous Catnip ep...and trust me once you see that ep and recognize the Catnip, you will start seeing it everywhere! :lol:

P.s. Hopefully my new avie will be the right size! I like this one... :D
thanks Moriel :D .. and she's right, Twin check it out! :D

Oooh Moriel I do love your icon, and I hope its in the right size!
Welcome Twinn! lol we have Twinn and Lynn :)

I'm one of the few multishippers around, I can't decide between CatNip and YoBling sometimes but I'm able to coexist happy in both threads fortunately.

I am still gonna do that fic btw if I ever find time...darn work sure makes writing harder LOL
Lol Mel how dare work interfere with writing! :lol: Can't it see you have more important things to get to...seriously! :D
I used to be a kinda Yoblinger...but my lovely Lynn completely converted me to Catnip, and I just adore them now! :D

51 days until our premiere....Go Catnip! :D
I know I'm late but I like Scuba Doobie-Doo. And Lynn you forgot a Nicky :eek: *hits you*

This is it:
NICK: Well, you know ... Lake Mead is just over the hill and the copters are
dropping water.
(CATHERINE looks up at the helicopter and bucket whirring by. She turns to
CATHERINE: You're serious?
(NICK smiles.)
CATHERINE: That's a total urban legend. We're scientists, Nicky. No way that happened.
NICK: (looking up) Okay.
(Cut to CGI POV of a scuba diver in Lake Mead and a large red bucket being
dropped into the lake. End of CGI POV. Resume on CATHERINE.)
CATHERINE: And I suppose you believe in Santa?
NICK: After today ... oh, yeah.

They look really cute together in that scene. And then there's the scene with the Doc where they smile at each other, so cute. Then Cath walks round so that she can stand next to Nick.

Moriel, I'm glad you finally got to see RIBSC, great CatNip episode.

Crow's Feet is definately too, don't get me started on the muscle scene. :D

Btw Moriel nice avi, nice pics you've used. :)

Oh, I've written a CatNip fic, I just need to get it typed up, and surprisingly, there's no smut. :lol:
Kels Hi! Yeah they are really cute in that diver in the tree scene...I liked it :D

Yeah RIBSC is a fab ep! I loves it! :lol: I loved Nick and Cath racing and then Cath winning and doing her little "Thank you...goodnight!" Too cute! :lol:

Yeah I like my avie too...and so far it's still here, that's a good sign! :D

Kels you wrote a fic with no smut? :p Lol! :D You gonna share it with us? :D
Hi new to this board.. I have always been a Nick and Catherine.Does any one know where i can find Nick and Cath fan fiction??? I have found very little in the way of fan fiction.. Or if any one has storyies feel free to PM me.
I've been thinking of a commercial, and maybe it does work for's a Christmas one they seem to repeat every year. PetCo, the dog and cat up on all the furniture looking for presents in the closet.

Cat: I smell catnip!
Dog: Don't inhale
Cat: Too late, whooooo!

I think that's the way this CatNip is...once you start, you just can't stop <g>
Mel that's awesome! I love that commercial and it's totally that way with our Catnip...once you inhale/taste/start on're hooked! :D

Welcome PJCP we're a lovely board and always love new Catnippers! :lol: Make yourself at home :D
pjcp said:
Hi new to this board.. I have always been a Nick and Catherine.Does any one know where i can find Nick and Cath fan fiction??? I have found very little in the way of fan fiction.. Or if any one has storyies feel free to PM me.

Hi PJCP *waves* You can find good fanfiction on, and also here and here

I think that's the way this CatNip is...once you start, you just can't stop <g>

So true. It's addictive.
Lol, yeah it's addictive! :lol: And ya know what's even more addictive...Catnip Gutter! :devil: Once you get sucked in down never leave! You're stuck! Not that you mind really...(right Lynn, Kels, Manda?) Heehee! **High fives to my GutterBuddies!**

And hey thanks for the fanfic sites Manda more Catnip fics are always a good thing! :D
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